Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse'

WHy is the government man looking for this doll house so bad? Why does he care ? Why does he sit buck naked on a coffee table watching videos of Echo/Caroline when she was in highschool? YUCK! You can just imagine what he is doing while watching said videos. Is this Doll house an agency for good or bad or just for the highest bidder? Does any one really care? I am beginning to feel this show has no real premise or direction. Better turn around quickly or I will be deleting this timer.
It's not Helo (FBI man) sitting there buck naked. It's Alpha.
They could have made the smoke bomb be some knock-out agent and that would have solved that plot hole, plus fit in with the whole "no-kill" mission. I'm surpised they didn't go there. You're all right, it reeks of "Deus ex machina"...
Finally we get a show that actually sounds like something Joss Whedon would do.
Agreed, I also thought it was a good episode. I had wondered about the neighbor, and my suspicions were confirmed. However never saw that coming with the other agent.

Last night really started to show that it's got legs. Next week looks they are taking a similar, multi-layer direction...which is not the "persona of the week".
Well enjoy it while you can. I like the show and think it is just starting to get good, however says it will likely not be renewed (same for TSCC).
Sort of sad that the networks wont stick with something long enough to give it a chance. Also, putting shows on Friday night that are probably more popular with younger adults does not seem to help either.

By the way...ever wonder who has the boxes for Nielson ratings? I get the feeling it is mostly Grandmas. We did get a paper packet from Nielson once where I manually tracked my tv watching for a week (maybe it was two). I never got another one, guess they don't like people who watch a lot of programing like the Discovery channel and Food TV (for my wife). I think they only like people who watch network TV every night and love Crime Investigation shows (sorry, had to throw that in....I like them, but enough is enough).
Neilson only likes people that LOVE reality television. Cannnot figure out who watches all those dance, singing and running all over the place programs but they seem to be on every night!
The Nielson group once contacted us about putting in a box. Discussion ended abruptly when we said we had DISH. That was probably in 1998 or 1999.
Will Fox air only 12 of Dollhouse's 13 episodes?

Fox announced that it will air the season finale of Joss Whedon's Fox sci-fi series Dollhouse at 9 p.m. ET/PT on May 8, the 12th episode titled "Omega." Which is raising questions among fans about the status of a supposed 13th episode, titled "Epitaph One."

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