You can check the range of the remote by doing the following
1. Confirm the remote control is linked to the Hopper or Joey receiver.
2. Press and hold the SAT button for several seconds on the linked remote until all the mode buttons are lit, then release SAT. The SAT light blinks.
3. Press and hold the Input/Pair button for several seconds until the SAT mode light blinks and then stays lit. Then release the Input/Recover button. The remote control is in LQI mode.
4. After about five seconds, the remote control will provide feedback on its range to the Hopper/Joey, as follows:
Three mode buttons are lit
If three or all four mode buttons are lit and the speaker is beeping rapidly, then the remote control is well within reliable operating range.
Two mode buttons are lit
If two mode buttons are lit, you may want to reposition and/or reorient the antenna and extension cable to try to improve range, but remote operation should be adequate from this range.
One mode button is lit
If one mode button or none is lit, the remote may not operate the receiver. Check the connectors and reposition/reorient the antenna and extension cable to improve remote reception.
6. Press any button on the remote control to exit the special LQI mode and return to normal remote operation.