Joey keeps freezing

My hopper DVR is about 50% full and my Joey when I open DVR it becomes very sluggish and then freezes.

Does my hard drive need defragged?

I’m replying to my own post because of course all I had to do was turn off the Joey and back on. Unplugged it for a few seconds plugged it back in now everything‘s fine. So it appears nothing is wrong with the hopper/DVR.
I’m replying to my own post because of course all I had to do was turn off the Joey and back on. Unplugged it for a few seconds plugged it back in now everything‘s fine. So it appears nothing is wrong with the hopper/DVR.
You can’t defrag the hard drive anyway. But typically if you’re having problems, turning it off and back on isn’t fixing the problems, it’s possibly just masking it briefly. Chances are it will show up again.
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Hey HipK;
What is the life expectancy of joeys? I imagine they need to be replaced eventually. My joey2 (the one I use every day and have 3) seems to be giving me early warnings now and then. Sluggishness, occasional black screen after turning it on, etc. Not too often. Unplugging and plugging it back always help.

If we request another unit what is the procedure? Do we call Dish before (to give the SN printed on the unit) or set it up, go to settings and call to give whatever is needed to make changes in our accounts?
I am preparing myself for the future.
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