/rant on/
I realize this is only television and there's more to life, but what the hell am I paying for? Thanks to the wizards of smart at DTV and their money grubbing bs, we have this wonder device known as the Directv dvr. A wonderful pile of crap that works when it wants and randomly gets updates sent from on high, usually before testing. It seems I have angered the DTV gods as all my programs were deleted and everything reset during this last cluster foxtrot. Oh....why has tivo forsaken me..............oh thats right, THEY DIDN"T! DTV did!
That new DTivo can't come soon enough.
I know there will be a few of you that will tell me how you've never had a problem, how great the wise and wonderful DTV is or how I should just OTA to watch while it's updating. I'm way out in the middle of now where, so save it. I really don't care. Just the fact that there's random issues on the same hardware should signal a problem, a big problem. Gone are the days of choice, choice of hardware. I'm also amazed at how back when there was a choice, everything seemed to work pretty well. Now that the great and powerful DTV is charge its like a monkey screwing a football. I'm getting feed up with a product that isn't providing what we're paying for. This is a frustration that none of us need or want.
We just want it to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would expect this crap from a cable company. I guess thats what they're trying to become, how sad.
/end rant/
BTW, call and complain. I got the dvr fee waived for a while.
I realize this is only television and there's more to life, but what the hell am I paying for? Thanks to the wizards of smart at DTV and their money grubbing bs, we have this wonder device known as the Directv dvr. A wonderful pile of crap that works when it wants and randomly gets updates sent from on high, usually before testing. It seems I have angered the DTV gods as all my programs were deleted and everything reset during this last cluster foxtrot. Oh....why has tivo forsaken me..............oh thats right, THEY DIDN"T! DTV did!
That new DTivo can't come soon enough.
I know there will be a few of you that will tell me how you've never had a problem, how great the wise and wonderful DTV is or how I should just OTA to watch while it's updating. I'm way out in the middle of now where, so save it. I really don't care. Just the fact that there's random issues on the same hardware should signal a problem, a big problem. Gone are the days of choice, choice of hardware. I'm also amazed at how back when there was a choice, everything seemed to work pretty well. Now that the great and powerful DTV is charge its like a monkey screwing a football. I'm getting feed up with a product that isn't providing what we're paying for. This is a frustration that none of us need or want.
We just want it to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would expect this crap from a cable company. I guess thats what they're trying to become, how sad.
/end rant/
BTW, call and complain. I got the dvr fee waived for a while.