It's Official - iPhone on Verizon Wireless

Yes. Sad they threw away a brand name known world wide. Who ever heard of Avaya?

The Nortel product line had its problems in recent years as well. Note the incredible descent of their stock. Ironically Avaya is pushing much of the old Nortel product line because the margins are better and Avaya wants to go public as quickly as possible.

My comment really was just an expression of surprise that the Nortel name was being used. I am assuming it was just a typo.
We decided to go with Nortel in our new building based on usability. Avaya was kinda funky and users we spoke to were quite unhappy with it. We selected a local vendor, and after Nortel was sold, they dropped the line. Nearest support now I think is near Fredericksburg, IIRC.

Probably was a typo. I don't think Nortel ever made a "true" cell phone, just ones for use in the immediate area of a Nortel installation.
Nortel LTE Mifi? Maybe you mean Novatel I don't think you will see the old Nortel name on any products anymore.

Maybe so. I didn't check the sticker on the back of the device but I'm pretty sure the lady said Nortel. Upon followup, my 5Spot is a Novatel 2200 and this LTE version looks exactly like it so you are probably correct it is from Novatel.

Edit- Found it and yes it is from Novatel.
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Is the simultaneous voice and data even that dig of deal? When I had the iPhone I had no desire to talk and be online at the same time. I did it once, just to do it. Plus in order to do this most of the time you’d put the other party on speaker, and I typically don’t like to use speakerphone. One of the advantages of simultaneous voice and data that I read about was being able to use the GPS while on the phone, can’t this be done already with CDMA? More then once, and as a matter of fact just a few hours ago I was talking on the phone while using Google Navigation. The in call volume fades down and the voice guided dictation plays over the ear piece. Can the iPhone do this, on either AT&T or VZW with Telenav? So obviously this isn’t an issue with CDMA since I’m on Sprint.
I always use a Bluetooth with my phone. Its inconvenient to hold it to my head. Plus, I use the simultaneous voice and data a LOT. It's been extremely useful for getting information for people while I'm talking to them.
Pay no attention to Steve. His sprint and whatever phone he's using are the best in history. Everyone else's stuff is inferior.
Pay no attention to Steve. His sprint and whatever phone he's using are the best in history. Everyone else's stuff is inferior.

Yep, the Evo is one of the best smartphones around and the Android platform is THE best. The inferior offerings of Apple don't hold a candle to the rest of the world outside of Lord Jobs magical kingdom. But anyhow, with the iPhone, could I be on a call and have the GPS active and hear the voice alerts over the ear piece?
Don't know nor do I care. It does everything I need it to do. Sprint and AT&T suck in my area so I have the best phone and network for me. Enjoy yours.
Is the simultaneous voice and data even that dig of deal?
Marketing, nothing else.
If ATT can exploit it, it will become a big deal even if nobody uses it!

Half of the iPhone features were irrelevant before iPhone got them and to die for - after...

Marketing, nothing else.
If ATT can exploit it, it will become a big deal even if nobody uses it!

Half of the iPhone features were irrelevant before iPhone got them and to die for - after...


Just because you don't use it, doesn't mean nobody else does. I use it all the time. It's especially useful to send pictures to the person I'm talking to. Or to make changes to things for them while on the phone.
Marketing, nothing else.
If ATT can exploit it, it will become a big deal even if nobody uses it!

Half of the iPhone features were irrelevant before iPhone got them and to die for - after...

It is a big deal when you are using your phone as a hot spot and get a call. You can still continue using your phone as a modem and talk, without your other devices disconecting

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