I don't think you are a prick. I like to take the emotion out of posting anyway, lots on this board can't.
To answer your question:
SPIKE = I LOVE MMA!!! There is another UFC Fight Night this Saturday on Spike in HD for those with D* and in SD for those with E*. Live sporting events 2 seasons of The Ultimate Fighter each year and more UFC centric shows coming. And from everything I have seen Spike is trying to position itself as the Mans network. I don't watch a lot that is not UFC on there, but that may have to do with me being the HD snob that I have become. Anybody that wanted MOJO-HD should be happy with SPIKE-HD.
Nickelodeon = for the kid. If I am going to put up with Nick being on when I am watching tv with my daughter it has to be HD. Lot's of us are eyeing or already moved to the HD only package, so this is a must.
CMT = I love me some redneck women.

I like to have CMT on when I am cooking or cleaning or would normally have some tunes on. To tell you the truth MTV and the rest would not get much face time with my tv. I guess I brought those up just as a proof of D* being the HD leader and E* giving up.
Smithsonian = Hey I liked it. Just like Discovery and NatGeo, there isn't always good stuff on but one more channel like that gives me more options.
Hey I don't even know what is on FX. I know some of the HD channels that I do get don't get watched. I don't care about Speed or Fuel but some do. DISH can't make everbody happy, but it seems that they have given up on making anybody happy. Spike is my deal breaker and I will watch the next season of TUF in HD here or on D*.