Lol, well who schedules a wedding on Iron Bowl saturday???? Or any saturday during the fall?I am a HUGE sports fan, as is Todd. I grew up in a house with 3 brothers, so when I was younger it was either be miserable or like sports. I chose the latter, and actually ended up becoming an obsessive sports fan! My mom has actually told people numerous times that I should have been a boy because I am a bigger sports fan than any of my brothers. I would rather watch a ballgame than a chick flick any day of the week.
Todd and I are die hard Alabama Crimson Tide fans. We plan our fall schedule around theirs. Todd has actually turned down being in a friend's wedding due to it being the same day as the Iron Bowl! I am also a die hard Red Sox fan. Todd isn't really into MLB, but he cheers for them just because he knows it is in his best interest:devil:.
I have missed countless family weddings because they just dont get it. Most of the time I am the only family member not there, but they understand....or dont....they got over it in any case