Is VOOM really worth the money?

You guys aren't selling the service hard enough, remember only one of you can get his referral, come on work hard

LMAO.... :D
WOW, people here really love their VOOM. I want to thank everyone for their helpful opinions about the service. I will check out VOOM's website to see what channels they offer and may just go ahead and schedule an installation.

Thank You,
PopcornNMore said:
WOW, people here really love their VOOM.

Yeah, amazing how attitudes change. It wasn't too long ago everyone was complaining... even Sean threatened to drop Voom.

Reminds me of the K-Mart going out of business sales a while back... Empty stores normally, but when they're going out of business, the place is packed!

Realistically, tho... there's not many good alternatives for HD.

Oh yeah - be sure to get a referal from somebody on here! Pick your favorite poster and ask for a referal - you know they want a free month of service!

Here's the details:

I don't think you'll have any trouble getting a referal from people here :). Just PM your favorite poster with your e-mail address and ask for a referal.

All of the existing VOOMer's bring up PQ, which I agree is great, but how many of you sit and watch channels Auction or Lab on a regular basis and not get tired of the same things repeating over and over again. You VOOMer's may enjoy the PQ but I see many comments regarding the repetitiveness of certain channels. What about the STB's that I hear you have to reboot after most upgrades. I for one hated that I had my boxes locking up on a regular basis and had to keep unplugging and plugging the boxes back in each and every time. You may say that it's only me that had this reboot issue, but I see many postings on this site regarding the same issues from current subs. I had V* for 3 weeks and first issue came up the day after the install with box problems. I thought spending $1 was worth it, but I sit here almost 2 mos after cancelling the service and V* still cant get their act together and get their STB collected after many calls I have made to them to have them send me return boxes. $1 was definately not worth the headaches I am having now with their CS.

You may flame me, get on my case, or whatever, but as I have said in past posts, people have a right to hear the good and the bad about ALL service providers if they want to make the best choices. This site is great and I still check out the V* forums to keep up with the Dolan Saga.
I do actually watch lab and though it does repeat it isn't nearly as often as people make it seem. CNN repeats more than that channel!! I currently am having problems getting OTA due to some skyscrappers....even with that I love the HD variety that I am sticking with Voom. I have seen D* HD on a couple of my friends units and comparing them make me EVEN HAPPIER that I have Voom!
For me, and in my opinion, the basic Voom package is worth it because it costs about what my cable previously cost and gives me the hd channels. I have had an hdtv for 2 /12 years now, but never had hd before I got Voom last May.

A couple of months ago when Voom's future seriously looked in doubt (doesn't it always now?) I upgraded to VaVaVoom for what I thought would be a couple of months. In doing so I sacrificed my grandfathered sub price of $39, which went up to $49 and will stay there if I switch back. With VaVaVoom I get all of the premium movie channels as well as the ones in hd. My previous opinon of the premium channels is that they have a few good movies and most of the rest are average or less. After 2 months my opinion has been confirmed because if the content is not good, then what difference does it make if it is hd or sd? I also spend far too much time scanning the movie channels, trying to find something to watch to justify the cost. Tonight I gave up the search and decided to watch the Fellowship of the Ring on dvd on my front projector for the umpteenth time. So what if it is not hd, it is at least good.

So in short, I think that Voom basic is well worth the cost. Come Monday, I will call and cancel VaVaVoom because it is not worth the extra cost for me and I will enjoy Voom's hd and sd offerings which have expanded since January.
I cant wait to see the satellite change to amc 6, the rain fade wont be so bad. Other than that, go voom xoxoxo ;)
1) Is VOOM really worth $49.90 a month?
2) Would any VOOM customers trade in their VOOM for Directv or Dish Network?
3) I don't currently have an HDTV television, but plan to within the next few months. Would I still be able to view VOOM programming on my analog TV?

2.Not even if they gave me everything for 25 bucks a month would I switch to Dish or Echostar
3.Yes as stated even with a analog T.V. Voom looks great.

cant wait for the self inflicted gun shots VERY SOON, ergen is not giving the sat back and will not let voom use it. wow two second rate idiots fighting over a junk location for two second rate systems.

drink some more grape kool-ade

Dave, it's surely obvious to you by now that there are passionate feelings on both sides...As I've always maintained, only each individual can assess what is best for them. I've already explained my reasons for my decision as well as what I understand from friends who have switched but don't yet have HDTV.

Just keep your eyes on the prize...whatever that may be for your particular circumstances...and you'll be OK...however things go. Vicki :)

Voomers vs Non-Voomers "Have at it"

got my letter from voom today
