Howdy All,
Well it was Saturday night, our first weekend all day and night medium rain, i got all my errands done during the day and wanted to relax and stay home and watch some HBO HD movies i been waiting for, opened that bottle of Chardonnay I've been saving for just such a special night, turned on the HDTV
and found my ota stations working perfectly with signal strength of 98% to 99% as usual and my Voom HD Sat Service normally at 86% to 89% down to 54% to 57% the good folks at Voom acted as if I had a unique problem, had me trouble shoot, reboot, soft boot, hard boot , disconnect everything till I lost all my programming content and suggest I wait till the weather is dry which in the SF Bay Area is about Mid- April of next year if I'm lucky
They asked me if I would allow a bigger dish , I told them they could put a
100' dish to rival JPL Labs and ShowTime Cable up link feed if they wanted to...
But when It's cold and wet and raining ... that's when I most want a return on my investment --- and would appreciate being able to watch a little HD TV at home Is that too much to ask? They told me that they were not sure If i would get an upgraded dish, I told them I was sure If I did NOT get a HD Service that works in the rain or fog or whater weather , I would go back to Comcast cable . Comcast cable HD is limited, lesser them perfect Voom HD quality ... but always is on, works with out the need of reboots, cold and warm starts , un plugs and lots of calls to customer service and in Comcast does not make a general nuisance out of it self.
I like Voom, but I feel I'm paying $120. a month to be their Beta Tester
I sure hope Voom is not just a Fair Weather HD Satellite Service
Well it was Saturday night, our first weekend all day and night medium rain, i got all my errands done during the day and wanted to relax and stay home and watch some HBO HD movies i been waiting for, opened that bottle of Chardonnay I've been saving for just such a special night, turned on the HDTV
and found my ota stations working perfectly with signal strength of 98% to 99% as usual and my Voom HD Sat Service normally at 86% to 89% down to 54% to 57% the good folks at Voom acted as if I had a unique problem, had me trouble shoot, reboot, soft boot, hard boot , disconnect everything till I lost all my programming content and suggest I wait till the weather is dry which in the SF Bay Area is about Mid- April of next year if I'm lucky

They asked me if I would allow a bigger dish , I told them they could put a
100' dish to rival JPL Labs and ShowTime Cable up link feed if they wanted to...
But when It's cold and wet and raining ... that's when I most want a return on my investment --- and would appreciate being able to watch a little HD TV at home Is that too much to ask? They told me that they were not sure If i would get an upgraded dish, I told them I was sure If I did NOT get a HD Service that works in the rain or fog or whater weather , I would go back to Comcast cable . Comcast cable HD is limited, lesser them perfect Voom HD quality ... but always is on, works with out the need of reboots, cold and warm starts , un plugs and lots of calls to customer service and in Comcast does not make a general nuisance out of it self.
I like Voom, but I feel I'm paying $120. a month to be their Beta Tester

I sure hope Voom is not just a Fair Weather HD Satellite Service
