IS Voom is a Fair Weather HD Satatlite System?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 21, 2004
SF Bay Area
Howdy All,

Well it was Saturday night, our first weekend all day and night medium rain, i got all my errands done during the day and wanted to relax and stay home and watch some HBO HD movies i been waiting for, opened that bottle of Chardonnay I've been saving for just such a special night, turned on the HDTV
and found my ota stations working perfectly with signal strength of 98% to 99% as usual and my Voom HD Sat Service normally at 86% to 89% down to 54% to 57% the good folks at Voom acted as if I had a unique problem, had me trouble shoot, reboot, soft boot, hard boot , disconnect everything till I lost all my programming content and suggest I wait till the weather is dry which in the SF Bay Area is about Mid- April of next year if I'm lucky :no

They asked me if I would allow a bigger dish , I told them they could put a
100' dish to rival JPL Labs and ShowTime Cable up link feed if they wanted to...
But when It's cold and wet and raining ... that's when I most want a return on my investment --- and would appreciate being able to watch a little HD TV at home Is that too much to ask? They told me that they were not sure If i would get an upgraded dish, I told them I was sure If I did NOT get a HD Service that works in the rain or fog or whater weather , I would go back to Comcast cable . Comcast cable HD is limited, lesser them perfect Voom HD quality ... but always is on, works with out the need of reboots, cold and warm starts , un plugs and lots of calls to customer service and in Comcast does not make a general nuisance out of it self.

I like Voom, but I feel I'm paying $120. a month to be their Beta Tester :mad:

I sure hope Voom is not just a Fair Weather HD Satellite Service :smug

Voomster :no
I laughed my ass off, honestly. :D

But hey, you're right. Last time Voom sent me a bigger dish, fine. Then I called them to get a stronger OTA, installer came at the eveniong instead of noon but called 3 times during 6 hours late that he's very busy, am I sure I want him today? How about next day? :shocked

Finally he arrived - and told us we have the same old 18" dish, nothing has been changed.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

This NYC/Park Slope installer company is unbelievable, seriously. :rolleyes:
Voomster, get a bigger dish. I have a 24" and it holds on pretty well, much better than the 18" dish did.
While a larger dish would help you I don't think your getting the bang for your buck out of your current dish. You should be at the very least middle 90's if not better. I would suggest re-aligning the dish or swaping out the LNB.
Voom Reads these complaints it seems !!!!!

:yes Someone from the special situations department read my post and I got fast track approval for a 24" dish that the good news :yes

The bad news is that the promised install date of this Thursday is bumped
because lots of folks here in Northern California also want a 24" dish as well
so I have have to wait another week or so for an install date and my dish
alloted to me. Now at the start of our our SF Bay Area Rainy season I have to wait for a 24" dish and hope it works ,since it rains in my area would it not have been a better concept to just give everyone a 24" dish in the first place to avoid customer service problem with rain in the first place : :confused:

like I said, I'm in an exclusive club of Voom Beta Testers for which I pay $ 120.00 per month to join :(

I think I invent a special rain coat for my Voom Dish, so when it rains we can keep it from getting Wet and have the benefit of watching Voom during rainy weather. which in my case is about 5 months a year or more.

At this point I've completely lost all interest in wanting a Voom DVR , now my main center of attention is to wonder if and when it rally rains hard like down pours --- will I have any satellite :smug or ota reception at all ????

Praying for a very Dry Rainy Season and a 24" rain resistant Voom dish !protest

Voomster :rainbow

Hey VOOM We need NBATV-HD... There are lots of HD Basketball...

Will you stay when Voom raises rates?
