Is the iphone being trumped yet?

Don, again please point out where anybody has said that the don't want improvments with the iPhone. Oh wait, you can't and that is why you never responded to my last request.
Don lives in his own world; he has his own ideas about things and doesn't really read people's responses. Like you, I never said that there were no improvements that I'd like to see made to the iPhone - I just said I wasn't interested in the things he thinks are important. I've just looked at phones again recently and I've decided to upgrade my iPhone to the newest version because, IMHO, it still does the things I want to do better than the competition. Your mileage may vary...
A couple of people here said that "nothing on my suggested list was important to them, but then no one suggested anything different. I'm still waiting. If you say none of my suggestions interest you and you didn't counter with your suggestions, then isn't it reasonable to assume you don't want any improvements?

And in case you don't get it yet, I am deeply interested in the iphone's future. I have quite a bit of money invested in it. Maybe a hundred times more than you do. As for my suggestions, it was a starting point based on what iphone owners have wished for since the beginning. I took it from both Mobility Today, and TWIT podcasts, and So, if that's what you mean by "my own world," then yes, it is my own world of iphone interest.
The iphone doesn't do enough features for me but that doesn't mean I am an iphone hater. I'm more of an Apple cult member attitude hater but I recognize it's those cult members that is what's making my stock in Apple and AT&T ( to a much lesser amount ) what it has been these past 8 months. :)
A couple of people here said that "nothing on my suggested list was important to them, but then no one suggested anything different. I'm still waiting. If you say none of my suggestions interest you and you didn't counter with your suggestions, then isn't it reasonable to assume you don't want any improvements?

Since I agreed with some of your points doesn't that by default mean that I would like to see some changes?

Also you just started the thread by saying these are some things that you would change. No where did it ask for others to list their items of interest.
A couple of people here said that "nothing on my suggested list was important to them, but then no one suggested anything different. I'm still waiting. If you say none of my suggestions interest you and you didn't counter with your suggestions, then isn't it reasonable to assume you don't want any improvements?

And in case you don't get it yet, I am deeply interested in the iphone's future. I have quite a bit of money invested in it. Maybe a hundred times more than you do. As for my suggestions, it was a starting point based on what iphone owners have wished for since the beginning. I took it from both Mobility Today, and TWIT podcasts, and So, if that's what you mean by "my own world," then yes, it is my own world of iphone interest.
The iphone doesn't do enough features for me but that doesn't mean I am an iphone hater. I'm more of an Apple cult member attitude hater but I recognize it's those cult members that is what's making my stock in Apple and AT&T ( to a much lesser amount ) what it has been these past 8 months. :)

Perhaps some know that Steve Jobs knows best... He seems to know which features include that will set the pace in the market. So, they do not know yet, but they have faith that Apple will come out with great new features in a way that is intuitive and easy to use. That is one of the secrets of the iPhone. No on feature is really new or innovative but they combined a lot of features in a way that people like.

Steve Jobs has proven himself to be a master of picking the right technologies to market in a package at just the right time. Look at the iPod line through the years. Each year they managed to do it better than the competition. The same seems to be happening with the iPhone. Each of the updates has set the standard which the others work to beat.

I am pretty much in that camp. The iPhone does everything I need it to do at this time. But, I also know that it will be better next update and I look forward to new features that I may or may not find useful.
Outside of already established zealots, I don't see the iphone being able to compete with Google's future offerings. The commitment to being so open and the fact that Google to many IS the internet... I think it was a mistake to somehow not make them a compliment to the iphone, rather than a direct competitor. With things like navigation they now already need to play catchup, no? The app store is derided by many developers due to it's approval process, and it's on a strained network justifiably being attacked by it's largest competitor.

I agree with Jobs having his fingers on the pulse of what features to offer, this will simply be combated by being able to offer everything. Leaving the apple on the box and a certain UI the reason people buy iphones.

Like I said in another thread, Apple deserves a lot of credit for dragging other carriers into the smartphone age, but with everyone caught up is Apple's way of doing things the main drawback to going with an iphone?

What can they do? What can the next innovation be? The itablet? It's not a phone, not a netbook, but can do many things previously expected of both? What if they ignore the iphone for a while, and turn the nano into a phone? No matter the innovation, with Google behind things, I just don't see them doing much that the competition will be able to replicate or even top... they've got to find some way to simply do it better, and with all things created equal stuff like the network they're on becomes an even bigger deal.

Anyways, rambling, will stop now :)
That's 2 now... that have no problems with AT&T and don't want any additional improvements to the iphone. :D
If I am one of those two, then you need to rethink the strawman you just presented. Nowhere did I say or even hint that I don't want improvements with the iPhone. In fact, the top of my list would be java.

The only thing I stated was a fact; a fact in which you cannot dispute. Where I live ATT works good. When I go to my local mountains or even the Sierras, I get better service than Verizon. That is a fact. I was using 3G at 12,000 ft on Mammoth crest this summer when others with Verizon had no signal at all. The same is true for the local ski resort I frequent.
same here

That's a load of BS. There are plenty of us who have no problems with AT&T service and really like the iPhone. None of the items you listed would add any value to me.

iphone is fine for my intents and purposes...i am sure it will be made more better faster but hey it's ok with me. sometimes around here too many smartphone users are eating alll the bandwidth and it makes 3G a little slow but that's understandable.
LOL! You iphone fanboys are way too sensitive. All I was asking for is what it will take to keep iphone on top of the game. Sorry if you all get your panties in a bunch when the thought is even discussed that iphone just might be considered losing it's edge or when the other smart devices are catching up. ( the thread topic) One thing is certain and that is unless Apple can innovate and keep it fresh, It will be just another HP ipaq in a few years. So if none of what others suggested that I listed is important to you, what is important? It's OK to not know or not care. The thread topic is not about you, It's about the iphone's future to stay ahead of the competition.

DodgerKing- If you are happy with having service where you need it, fine. Too many people want service and don't have it but want the iphone. The issue there is until the iphone is available on all services, then it will not satisfy those who can get Verizon/sprint but not ATT or T-Mobile. For example- North Westchester, and Dutchess county NY, Central NV, southern Utah, NW North Carolina, St. Augustine FL. to name a few places where GSM carriers is troublesome, or non-existent where I've been.
I am still waiting on answers from you on a few of my questions in this thread. If you ever decide to give the respect to others with answering their questions then I might answer yours. Until then have a good day as this will be my last post until you answer the questions from before.
DodgerKing- If you are happy with having service where you need it, fine. Too many people want service and don't have it but want the iphone. The issue there is until the iphone is available on all services, then it will not satisfy those who can get Verizon/sprint but not ATT or T-Mobile. For example- North Westchester, and Dutchess county NY, Central NV, southern Utah, NW North Carolina, St. Augustine FL. to name a few places where GSM carriers is troublesome, or non-existent where I've been.
I don't disagree with you here. My post was to only support what Jag said in regard to ATT in his area as the same situation lies where I live and frequent. For me, ATT is the better provider for coverage and price. I have a grandfathered package in which I pay only $30/month for complete service as I was with them since they were PacBell, and then Cingular.

As far as the iPhone goes, I chose it because it was the best option for me. I was deciding at the time between the HTC touch pro and the iPhone, as they were the only decent smart phones with ATT (Remember I am choosing to stay with ATT for price and service in my area).

Also trust me when I say I am no MAC or Apple fanboy. There is no bigger critic of MAC PCs than I.
I am still waiting on answers from you on a few of my questions in this thread. If you ever decide to give the respect to others with answering their questions then I might answer yours. Until then have a good day as this will be my last post until you answer the questions from before.

Well, I'm really sorry you think that of me. Did you not see where I stated?:

Well, this is getting the kind of response I had hoped for.

JAG72- I was hoping for a response like you did from you.

Try post 12, 18, and 42 . Let me know if I missed anything. You, as I stated in the first page did address each item fairly and honestly. I responded to your opinion with a clarification of my list. I didn't think it needed to be reviewed by you further. But if you did, have at it... :)

There were others here who did say nothing on my list was important (to them) and didn't have anything to offer so I figured they were 100% satisfied with the iphone and it's service now. You were not included in that category and as I recall from your response, at least you desired for multitasking for one.

Jag72 asked:
Also you just started the thread by saying these are some things that you would change. No where did it ask for others to list their items of interest.

This is what I said:

does Apple need to introduce a major upgrade next summer to keep up it's pace as the perceived leader in mobile devices?

I think so.

When the iphone first came out it offered a better looking device with a better user interface. But even today it still lacks certain capability that its competitors have had all along.
Some of the big ones I can think of are:

I believe that states that "my list" was not the only possibilities but only what I saw as obvious to me what is needed. The lack of or restrictions in the iphone is why I don't own one. I recognize that not everyone cares and those people count too. But the post begs for anything additional. I don't think I need to explain how and why forums are what they are. All a thread starter does is raise a point or question for others to comment on. The range can be doesn't need anything to needs this and that. OK?

FWIW- I'm now a fanboy of the htc touch pro 2. I don't mind being called one and do not think it offensive. I don't own any interest now in htc and just use the phone. I thank digiblur for his introducing me to this device.
I do have a considerable interest in the success of the iphone and Apple. The fact that I am not a fanboy of their products is because they just do not work for my needs. I own a Macbook Pro, Final Cut Studio and purchased an iphone and an ipod. Gave the iphone and ipod away as gifts to those who wanted them. MY whole mindset in this is to find ways that people believe the iphone can be improved. That is not "my little world", but the world in entirety. I do feel that if Apple ended exclusivity with AT&T and made both CDMA and GSM compatible iphone, it would greatly increase the population base of iphone owners. BUT, apple also needs to keep up with it's competitors with like features, and then go one better to to be and stay #1.
In fact, the top of my list would be java.

Thanks, you're off my list of 2 and the list is down to one. :)

Good one BTW- I was not aware this was not a capability. It must cause some issues with certain websites. It does Flash, right? Afterall that was from Adobe.

Thanks, you're off my list of 2 and the list is down to one. :)

Good one BTW- I was not aware this was not a capability. It must cause some issues with certain websites. It does Flash, right? Afterall that was from Adobe.
This is very annoying too me. Many of the sites I frequent this time a year require java. Since I am an avid skier many of the resort websites, weather websites, ex require java to access the important things I like to access, such as interactive trail maps (shows where they are currently blowing snow, groomed trails, operating lifts, ex) and weather radar loops. I really like the phone, and many of the other short falls that you list are not that important too me or not a problem with me personally, but Java (which was not part of your original list) is very important.
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Perhaps my relative neutrality left me with a little bit more of an open mind, but re-reading the first post it does sorta come across as kinda manifesto-ish as a todo list for Apple to improve the phone, rather than throwing out some ideas to make it better and explicitly asking others what they want out of future iterations.

For me all it needs (to start with) is to be available on other networks. As a Verizon customer I've only ever lost service driving between rural towns in Washington south of Spokane on vacation (which made GPS navigation a little more interesting, no more streaming map!) and work with people who routinely travel for business and return with tales of losing reception in places like Manhattan.

I am loyal, and ATT lost me as a customer due to an unrealistic overage dispute a number of years ago in the age of Nokia 'omg have you seen my new faceplate and flashy antenna??' phones. Unable to resolve that when given multiple reasonable opportunities to do so, I've been a VZW customer ever since. I work in an office full of people who routinely travel and have little good to say about their iphones in places like Manhattan, and they have issues just sitting here in the office in southern Las Vegas. Remove ATT's poor service and lacking network from the equation and I'd probably have an iphone today. There's no debating Apple produces a wonderful device, but like a government contract they've partnered with the phone industry equivalent of the lowest bidder to maximize their control and profits and the result is not optimal in my opinion. If due to network type they'll never produce a version for this network, then they'll miss out on those x millions of sales and I'll just have to make due with the options born from the innovation it's inspired.
Flash player is a strange sort of animal. It worked great on my XV6600, XV6700 and XV6800. No big deal except one major complaint is it require quite a bit of program ram to run.. However, when I switched to the htc TP2 it would not work right. There are whole support threads on this. Even though the browsers and OS is the same the huge difference is the high res screen size. This has created a number of application incompatibilities. Today, I have a beta of adobe Flash loaded now and it mostly works, with a few bugs. One bug is the video flash plays fine but any superimposed text doesn't. Hopefully, in a few months this Flash problem will be fixed. As for the iphone, I thought Flash always worked. Maybe Jag72 will chime in on that.

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