Is PS3 really more expensive then XBOX360?


I agree with you on most of that, however, and IMO, the argument keeps going to the fact that PS3 has a Blu-Ray drive and Xbox 360 doesn't, therefore PS3 is a better value, and that is simply not true. In a way, you agree with that, because you said yourself, people (most at least) won't be buying a PS3 for Blu-Ray format movies, but instead to play video games--which I agree with. Therefore, regardless on how you look at it--Blu-Ray will be the format, or it will not be--PS3 having a Blu-Ray drive is worthless, because it really won't add sales to Sony's books, and no one knows if it will survive as the HD DVD format.

I wish I could afford both, but I am quite happy with my XBOX 360--though I really couldn't get a PS3 right now anyways--however, I am certainly not going to go out and buy a PS3 just because it has a Blu-Ray drive. If I am going to do that, I would rather drop $1000 on a actual Blu-Ray player, than drop $500 on a game machine that happens to play Blu-Ray disc, but without some of the standard features a regular machine would have.

And again, I won't be an early adopter on either of these formats. I am going to wait it out until one or the other wins out. Why spend $1000 on Blu-Ray or HD-DVD today, and have to turn around a year from now and spend $500 on the other format so I can continue to watch HD DVDs? But this doesn't make or break my decision on not getting a PS3, I could care less that PS3 will someday--when it is released--have a Blu-Ray drive. I simply don't like Sony, and I won't buy their products.
The xbox is able to add either format in the future, and I hope they change the way they deliver the content because not having HDMI output is a mistake to anyone considering buying an add-on. Once manufacturing costs come down I fully expect them to offer HDMI options.

Sony fanboys spout off about blu-ray and how it's awesome when they just don't know anything about it. They see "50gb" and think their games are going to be 10x bigger than they are now, and that's just not accurate. Blu-ray is still at 25gb, and even then it's being used for other things, not to make games any longer. If they make games longer, you'll need to buy less games. Why would sony possibly do such a thing when they need you to buy more games than ever to offset the losses on the hardware? Illogical...

The biggest issue I have with blu-ray is that fact that sony filled their ps2 games with GB's of junk data to screw with pirates and it effected load times that were already too long. If they continue this practice on blu-ray and start adding 10gb or more of junk data, load times will still suck. Load times are the biggest issue in the videogame world now that we're all graphically on equal ground...
another issue about using Blu-Ray disc for games is that it is more expensive to place games onto them, than another format that is well used and in abundence on the market. So yeah, they won't use em for games, unless of course they do have a bunch left over if Blu-Ray goes bye bye.

Yeah, not having HDMI on Xbox is pretty stupid, but again, I am sure the reason is because Microsoft is trying to keep the price down, and are waiting until prices on the technology come down.
First, I think that too many of you are missing the boat on HD. If you do not have a HDTV then neither the Xbox360 or the PS3 is going to make that much of a differance other than differant gameplay ablilities from the Xbox and PS2. The graphics on a standard tv will be not be that much better from one generation to another requardless of system.

However, if you do have a HDTV or HD home theater system then HD playback -- especially of movies will motivate the buyer. I don't believe that I am the only one waiting for the PS3 and one of the reasons is Blu-Ray. I want more HD for my tv and HD movies is one way to get it. And yes, I happen to be an early adopter. I have been watching HDTV for five years. It has been broadcasted in my area for over 6 years. I prefer HD (with decent content) to SD any day.

Now as for the Samsung Blu-Ray for a $1000 I have some experiance with Samsung and their DVD players. I bought the first upscaling player -- a Samsung -- and was generally happy. Of course it was better than the PS2 I was using. However, it crushed blacks and whites, had limited control , a crappy remote (I use a home theater remote) but it had DVI. Some movies did look better upscaled but for the most part it was a cheap man's upscaling DVD player just like the PS2 was a cheap man's DVD player. I now have a Denon 3910 that kicks butt! But I digress, I have already read two reviews on the Samsung Blu-Ray player and either the Blu-Ray discs were not done well or the player is not up to snuff. My viewpoint here is that it is the Samsung and not necessarily the Blu-Ray movies themselves.

Now I do believe that the PS3 will be the poor mans Blu-Ray player to a $1500 to $2000 Blu-Ray players from Sony and Pioneer who I happen to believe produce considerably better DVD players than Samsung. In that aspect, someone who has a HD home theater system and does not have alot of expendable cash would definately be looking at the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player. I paid $1000 for my Denon 3910 when it first came out and it was worth every penny. However I had to save up for it before it came out and saving a $1000 without the wife's getting ahold of it was tough but worth it.

Now we are looking at the HD DVD - Blu-Ray HD future. Blu-Ray has more manufacturers and more movie studios backing it by an almost 3-1 over HD-DVD. Decent HD-DVD players will also be in the $1000. The current ones under $1000 do not support any of the new audio HD codecs. Why would you want one? Without HDMI 1.3 the best you can get is 2-channel high def sound! Not 5.1 or anything else -- that is unless the player passes 5.1 over the 5.1 analog ports and your receiver can pass that signal thru to it's proccessors and to your speakers. Why buy half a product? There will be a HD player in the future and both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will be available. This time it is Sony who has the most backing from manufacturers and movie studios. So this time I can see Blu-Ray winning.
Joe, any good reciever will have 5.1 imputs. I always try to let my Onkyo do the decoding over a DVD player on the sound side. I trust a $1500 85 lb monster over a $100 2 LB cheap DVD player.
T2k said:
Since you've proved many times how utterly and painfully clueless you are on this whole issue, you can imagine how many people will believe you... :D

Like it or not, there is no way to play Blu ray disks for less than the PS3 price. To get both a blu ray player and state of the art game system at this point, for this price, is an incredible value. :rolleyes:

T2k said:

it's one helluva fun to read your totally out-of-touch posts. :D
Its amazing how anyone that disagrees with you is "out of touch" or "clueless"

JoeSp said:
Now I do believe that the PS3 will be the poor mans Blu-Ray player to a $1500 to $2000 Blu-Ray players from Sony and Pioneer who I happen to believe produce considerably better DVD players than Samsung. In that aspect, someone who has a HD home theater system and does not have alot of expendable cash would definately be looking at the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player.

Well Said. Absolutely correct!
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JoeSp said:
First, I think that too many of you are missing the boat on HD. If you do not have a HDTV then neither the Xbox360 or the PS3 is going to make that much of a differance other than differant gameplay ablilities from the Xbox and PS2. The graphics on a standard tv will be not be that much better from one generation to another requardless of system.

Not true, especially to sony users. The PS2 looks SO bad. Even 360 looks a lot better than xbox, and ps3 on SD will look lightyears ahead of ps2.

Sony is going to be make or break with the blu-ray, whereas xbox can adopt whichever format (or both, if need-be), and I think from a consumer standpoint, that's the better option.
vurbano said:
Like it or not, there is no way to play Blu ray disks for less than the PS3 price.

NOW. Nobody knows what'll be the situation by the end of the year, let alone the fact that PS3 supposed to be a game console, first and foremost and it has to sell a lot to be able to generate enough game sales.

To get both a blu ray player and state of the art game system at this point, for this price, is an incredible value. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: "State of the art" - did anyone tell you how ridiculously lame sounding is this...?
This is an empty marketing blabla. PS3 by no means 'more' "state of the art" than 360.

Its amazing how anyone that disagrees with you is "out of touch" or "clueless"

No, it's just a couple of you... :D
...I was expecting you to say it was somewhere else. You disappoint me...=)>

Not for nothing, but isn't the ps3 going to be the ugliest blu-ray player available? Imagine you buy it just for a blu-ray player, isn't it going to look stupid next to your high-end components?
after reading these posts there were a few things that were not mentioned. First is the fact that an hdmi cable can be mde available, and i belive they said they have plans to do so but not immediately, and it can fit in place of the 360s current cable. Also the core system, while being a bad idea was great for people like myself at first who did not have the extra cash and who just want to play madden live, which you can do without a hard drive. lastly, how many people are going to buy it for dvd use? i owned ps2, xbox and xbox 360 and have never used it for dvds... im sure it is an added bonus but its a gaming console.
But you also play madden so nobody cares about your opinion =)>

The HDMI thing makes no sense. They say they can do it, so they really have no reason not to do it. Since when is there a "we have too many accessories" movement in video games, especially when it's something people would actually need. It makes no sense...
First, both the Xbox360 and the PS3 are both state of the art. However, even the lower priced PS3 comes with a Blu-Ray HD and bluetooth technology. That makes the PS3 more state of the art the the Xbox360. Sorry, no way around that.

Second, the Xbox360 is already Directx 10 compatible. This gives it tremendous graphics abilites. Since the PS3 is not out all we can do is speculate as to its grapics abilites but who else but Tk2 doubts that Sony can bring out the PS3 and that it will have great graphics?

Third, the Blu-Ray drive with the HDMI 1.3 (the $599 unit) not only comes with the Blu-Ray drive, the bluetooth tech, it also comes with a wireless internet adaptor and HDMI 1.3 which gives it the ability to not only pass High Def Audio codecs it also will alow it to pass 48bit graphics. Now only a high end CRT and the newer LCDs coming out this fall will be able to reproduce these graphics but that in itself is more then the Xbox360 can do. The PS3 reproducing HD-movies will be looked at very closely by those of us not wanting to spend upwards of $2000 to have all the bells and whistles. The first drives out will all be basically the same as the drivers and the adjustments is what will set the differant manufacturers Blu-Ray drives apart. Even for $600 this is a steal for a Blu-Ray drive no matter how 'ugly' the PS3 looks.

Finally for Vipers-Pit, the two HD-DVD drives out by Toshiba do not have analog out. That will be on their $1000+ models. And, I believe that you will probably see alot of the lower end units not have any analog out so the only way to pass the LossLess codecs (High Def Sound) is through a HDMI 1.3 port. Then you are going to have to buy a A/V receiver that can process the HDMI 1.3 sound and video. They will be out this fall and not cheap either!

When - not if - the PS3 comes out I am willing to bet that alot of the $599 units will be sold to Home Theater individuals that want to wet their toes in HD movies and do not want to drop $1500 to $2000 on players until all the bugs in the Blu-Ray - HD-DVD market plays out. They sure can not buy a HD DVD drive for $600. Heck the HD-DVD drive for the PC is gonna cost around $650 and that does not include the PC! I am very interested in seeing if Microsoft even wants to dabble in this market. Why do that when their premium Xbox360 can deliver the best you are going to get out of this generation's product. If they do , are they willing to lose $200 to $300 a unit in order to provide Xbox360 owners the ability to play HD movies on their Xbox360?
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well first in regards to the madden knock... it sucks but since 2k5 isn't backwards compatable with the 360 i had no choice :-)

second with the blutooth ps3 has there been any note of what kind of compatibility is offered? The verizon version of the razr v3 is blutooth but it has all non verizon products or motorola blocked out from access which is p*ssin a lot of verizon customers off so there could be a problem with that as well.

lastly the average gamer is already complaining about the $59.99 price tag of games and the average movie viewer only buys dvds on release tuesday when they are $10-$15 off normal price... based on this while the home theater early adopters may be interested in this and willing to spend $25-30 for a dvd and $60-$100 for a game, this will turn a lot of people away.

Finally, remember that the 360 has announced a blade for hd content with a deal with directv that would allow streaming 1080 content (not sure if its I or P so i'm leaving that off) to be saved to the hard drive or to a pc as microsoft is interested more so in their media center function than hd drives since they feel that downloads and streaming are the way of the future.
duckydan said:
the average movie viewer only buys dvds on release tuesday when they are $10-$15 off normal price...

Finally, remember that the 360 has announced a blade for hd content with a deal with directv that would allow streaming 1080 content (not sure if its I or P so i'm leaving that off) to be saved to the hard drive or to a pc as microsoft is interested more so in their media center function than hd drives since they feel that downloads and streaming are the way of the future.

10-15?? It's more like 5...

I don't know how MS is going to stream HD to the tiny HDD they put in that system...
Purogamer said:
10-15?? It's more like 5...

I don't know how MS is going to stream HD to the tiny HDD they put in that system...

FYI: an excellent quality 720p Rome episode is around 4GB in Xvid...

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