No. But the FACT is that 47,000+ was quoted earlier in this thread and it is an unsourced number. Sure, the anonymous source number is a few hundred higher than Tom's quickly stated number, but now we've added 700 plus more. Should we post tomorrow that Voom has 48,000+ subscribers? and 49,000+ on Friday?cfarm said:Tom gave a number only a few hundred apart, but you conlude we should stick with a 6 month old number instead?
This is a Voom forum, so I suppose that we should cast aside all rational thought and ASSUME that Tom didn't misspeak (mis-write) and that single unnamed source got their numbers right too. After all, every press report we have read is 100% correct, isn't it. Or do we only suspend disbelief for positive statements?

We've argued this in other threads ... Feel free to say 46,000+ with 5k waiting but try to avoid drifting numbers up with no source and remember Tom Dolan should not be credited for the "anonymous source" number unless the reporter has spoken to Tom as the source.