HDNews: The *future* of *all* newscasting?
Scott Greczkowski said:
HDnews is NOT going anywhere, I had a long talk with the folks froom VOOM who believe HDnews is their best looking channel, infact its the one they use to demo most.
Of *all* the HD programming that is available (from VOOM and everybody else), HDNews is the *most* likely to be copied.
Why? Not unlike what CNN did when they started 24/7 news carriage in the first place, HDNews used a combination of second-sourced content and their own coverage teams. However, for those coverage teams, they spent the money on *behind the scenes* (the equipment itself, which is top-drawer!) as opposed to personalities (most of which you haven't heard of prior to HDNews, I'd wager).
Don't have VOOM? Don't have anybody local that *has* VOOM? (I fall into *both* categories.) Go to VOOM's Web site, go to VOOM HD Originals, then select HDNews (and watch the clip thereof). Prepare to get your socks blown *completely off* by the *least* exciting portion of television programming today: news programming.
VOOM, with HDNews, has *by itself* set a standard for *all* future high-definition news content, whether it be national or local.
That, by itself, is reasson to be thankful VOOM exists.