Is HD news on the way out?

andrzej said:
vurbano, if I may ask. What is your source of daily news?
The net. And I often imagine forced viewing of HDnews over and over and over all day something satan might use in hell to torture sinners.
I tune into HDNEWS for about 10 mins a day...after that I cant watch it. They show the same stuff over and over. But the picture looks great...better than any other news cast out there. But you really have to ask yourself a you want content on your news...or a nice picture.
vurbano said:
The net. And I often imagine forced viewing of HDnews over and over and over all day something satan might use in hell to torture sinners.

Same here. Except, I don't believe in Satan or Hell. :D
vurbano said:
And I often imagine forced viewing of HDnews over and over and over all day something satan might use in hell to torture sinners.
It could be worse, they could turn down the bitrate to 5 Mbps. :D
CNN? No, Thanks

dnyce said:
HD News is not there for news it's eye candy. If anyone really wants to know what is going on in the world they turn to CNN.

But I love it! I use it every time I have new guests over and they say... Oh you have Voom, is their a big difference? Then I turn it on CNN and say how does that look, they say it looks fine. Then with a smirk I turn to 100. And watch their jaws drop. WOW, so that is High definition! Gets them every time :D

Now I know how people showed off when TV remote's first came out.
The channel just changed by itself! How did you do that? :haha

CNN? Ah, no. Not me. (And I'm not even a VOOMer yet.)

While CNN started off great, nowadays if I want no-spin news, I watch MSNBC. If I want *reverse-spun* news (anti-CNN-spin) I watch FOX News Channel. The *only* CNN programming I find watchable is Lou Dobbs (and his show has almost no spin).

However, HDNews, while done on the cheap, demonstrates that even news done on-the-cheap need not be Mickey Mouse. (In fact, that was the ORIGINAL point behind CNN.)

If anything, I would like to see an HD version of CNBC *in addition* to a wider-distributed HDNews.

That would be one way for RMH to bring in additional revenues: negotiate carriage agreements for HDNews with other DBS and even cable companies (especially those losing CNNfn) and use the additional money to improve HDNews (or defray VOOM losses). HDNews is a CNN for the 21st century (the original CNN, as opposed to the CNN of today).

CNBC-HD? Yes. Reason One: All of CNBC's programming, except for certain *spot coverage* is studio-based (and the spots can be done the way HDNews does their spots today; in fact, they could even have HDNews do them). Reason Two: CNBC doesn't use any of the facilities in New York City that NBC itself does; it instead operates out of Fort Lee, NJ (in space shared with MSNBC). Reason Three: As opposed to MSNBC, CNBC uses very little outside footage.
And because of Reasons One, Two, and Three, CNBC-HD could become a new model on how NBC covers, edits, and shows news bandwidth is the least of your worries.
What about Headline News?

vurbano said:
its nice for 15 minutes then it repeats and repeats and repeats for what 24 hours? Its a joke, almost as worthless as MOOV. Nice picture though.

Ever heard of Headline News?

Headline News (CNN's *sister station*) started not long after CNN itself, and is a rolling thirty-minute *wheel* (with spot updates) that runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Only *some* of it's thirty-minute wheel is updated, and it's become *ubiquitous*. Not only does darn near every cable and DBS provider carry it (as basic programming!), there are *radio* stations that subsist *entirely* on Headline News and local commercials for *all* their content. (No, I am NOT kidding, so get your jaw off the floor.)

HDNews, however, doesn't make the mistake Headline News has by adding *fluff* content and *commentary-disguised-as-news* just to fill in the thirty minutes.

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