Yesterday 3:00 pm I go to view the Phils/Brewers game. I am having a sandwich(salami on rye) so I am in the kitchen where i have an HD receiver. Yikes, no game, just the Direct TV Logo and some music. Damn! So I go over to the GameMix channel because I have noticed that even the games that are not on usually show up there. So I have a SD channel on an HD LCD 20 inch display so as you can imagine, the little box that the gam is in is quite ugly. Anyway, I'm eating and squinting and my son comes in and says,"what are you doing?" He wondered why because the game was in fact on in the other room on the SD Tivo, not onlly on on Channel 742 but it is the Phils Comcast signal. Checked out my HR10-250, not on that one. Only on the SD machine. Anyhoooo, it was there...was it a glitch?