Ironic! Installer can't have Satellite where he lives

dishjockey said:
Zaw are you doing any local upgrades?
I am just south of you in charlestown . Ipro and selling direc

Yeah only doing the people who can't wait. They pay for Dish, receiver if need upgrade, multiswitch, hourly and meterials.

farthest south we go is S. Claremont where Indian Shutter at.
I hate hearing stories about this. Something tells me that he has an exclusive deal with the local cable company and this is why he's pushing you to take your dish down. My wife and I are very fortunate to live in an apartment complex where the management is very easygoing on letting us have a dish, even though we pay for basic and classic cable with our rent (I tried to get out of this, they said I had to pay for it no matter what). When we sold our house and were looking at apartments I would always ask about satellite dishes and some of them told me that they don't allow it. I even brought up the FCC ruling and they said that they don't care. You can guess by now that I told them no thanks and moved on.

Keep fighting this. If he as once touches your dish with one finger call the cops and report it. Take his behind to court over this. Once the judge sees the FCC provision he will rule in your favor and this will embarrass your landlord. I would look for a place to move to though as he will want you out.

Even better, tell your local newspaper about this. Bad publicity is never good for an apartment landlord.
My advice:

Draft and send a registered letter. In it say: "I want my dish. The law (cited) is clear, and I can and will enforce it."

Then say: "I understand your concern that you do not want a precedent that would show your other tenants that they too may not be prevented from erecting similar dishes. The solution for both of us is for you to immediately release me from my lease. I will then move to another complex where the landlord correctly tolerates tenants' dishes."

Everybody gets what they want, and you don't have to worry about a cheesed-off, apparently irrational landlord who has the keys to your apartment! :eek:
I deal with this issue everyday so maybe I can help.

Per FCC requirements you are allowed to have a dish in your location as long as it is in a patio or balcony area where it is under your exclusive control. No drilling can be done without landlord permission, technically they can deny the ability to have a second dish which is why they also made the requirement that only one dish can be used. They can require a small deposit and insurance for the equipment. It quote unquote can't be excessive but its foggy on what that actually means. They can't deny for asthetic values if a tripod is used or as myself am using drill the dish on the cinderblock so its even unviewable.

Times when they can this does not apply is government and military complexes. Also if the house is on a national/historic landmark then they do have the ability to deny it.

If you specifically area in a contract with an HOA or apartment where they have that patio or exclusive area as long as it is under your exclusive control then you are in the right to have it. If this is met but the contract says otherwise then that part of the contract is unenforcable. Definately you can take it to the FCC and if you are advised per a legal ruling to take it off then you have 21 days as a grace period to remove it. The apartment complex or HOA themselves cannot touch that dish as was previously mentioned.

A full explanation of everything I have given is at or .
Man, these landlord are getting crazy, today they found my outside temp sensor for my weather clock. He didn't even say anything they just took it out like it was theirs. Good thing I caught them. and they gave my sensor back. Its small white sensor that blands well with siding.


One other thing, I'm not sure about is this.

I send them Rent money before the end of the month. I got a eivction notice that saying failiure to pay rent. What I think is that, they never deposited my check just so that they can give me a notice that goes on my records.
i"m so sick and tired of this crap they're pulling me.. Today I decided to just leave the dish out side and left this note in ziplock bag attached to the dish..

To: Purcell Properties

The way this dish is installed it 100% within the FCC Rule, 47 CFR Section 1.4000 if you have any question about it please call FCC at 1-800-225-5322 or visit FCC website and read the documents carefully.

If this dish is tampered, removed by you or your associates I'll report this matter to the police.

Fact: Even if you file a "petition for waiver" with FCC and you win. I still have 21 days from the day you won (if you did) to remove the dish and you can't do anything about it until 21 days is up.

You can write any notes that you want and stick it on my door but I also have a computer and a printer so two can play this game.


Zaw Oo

What do you guys thinks?
Why are landlords such *.*'s I have heard sooo many people with landlords bickering about satellites in their complexes. You know it happens to so many people. Now there are some rental /homes/ where the homeowner will not care wether you have a dish or not if you put it in your yard (no drilling ofcourse, use a tripod like in a trailer park at a campground) just not on the house. Move into a nice neighborhood with a better atmosphere, better neighbors and so on. Shouldn't be much more expensive than an apartment, living in a rental home for near 8 years of my life. Really fixed it up and looked really good. So instead of dealing with landlords, just find a really nice homeowner.
Sunday about 8:45 AM, they decided to come over and clean their flowerpots for winter time. Yup, just like I expected they knocked on my door and asked to me take the dish inside or they will remove it. I told them to read the FCC or call FCC etc, they said their lawyer did it and what they doing is 100% Legal.

I'm just went back in the house without my dish, now I'm waiting to see if they're really going to take the dish.


Ironicly, on Saturday I went to do an install.. Guess where, at an apartment! Guess who wanted me to install the dish? The landlord(not my landlord thoguht), he wanted to provide everything to his tentants.. He wanted me to install the dish in the front of the building low so that it will be easy to maintian, if I needs to come back for service or upgrades etc. What a guy he even gave me tip for coming out on satruday. Too bad he don't have anythign for me until spring. :(

Definitely moving there soon as he have a place open.
Well.. they're done with they doing outside and went home already and I'm still watching TV.. let see what they do on monday..
1) Get a lawyer. Spending $100 on consultation fees could spare you a lot more later, and will definitely get you some peace of mind.

2) Get out. Leverage the landlord's desire to make you leave into a separation on your terms. (The lawyer can probably help with this.) Then find an apartment that's run by rational people.

Proving you can beat your landlord is like proving you can wrestle a bear. Maybe you can, but why bother?
The whole Monday went by with dish sitting outside. No phone calls, messages or notes on the door.
Don't let them harrass you. Document every one and report it to the FCC and if needbe the police. If you can, get a hold of your state's housing board and report it.
Finally some pic of my install.

The 1/2 of the dish is covered by wall I average 80% signals all xponders.

What do you guy think.. it is within the FCC guidelines or what?


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Hmmm - is your stairway (especially on a 1st floor) *exclusive use?* I'm thinking they could slide by on a "blocking the entryway" provision, or something stupid.

Sorry to be devil's advocate
Spray paint the Dish with a dark green and then buy a fake plant. Glue the leaves to the edges of the Dish. hehe.
Cyclone said:
Spray paint the Dish with a dark green and then buy a fake plant. Glue the leaves to the edges of the Dish. hehe.

got a chuckle out of that.

Other than blockign the stairway it looks like you are good

91 and 119 on 1 Dish

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