Iphone on T-Mobile

Apple can claim an action is a violation of their license and TOS and is illegal under the DMCA law. The government must convict to find the person guilty, however. That part is what the courts do. When a bill becomes law, it can be violated at that point. A Law doesn't have to first pass court approval to be a legal law. The supreme court can over rule the Congress and President and overturn the law.

If you believe a law is illegal, then feel free to violate it, be charged with the crime, and then be prepared to fight your case all the way to the Supreme court, where if you win, you will not only be exonerated, but also the law will be overturned.

Some laws are good ones and others are weak. I believe the basic Patent law is good, the new Copyright law is OK but the DMCA is very weak and if ever tested could be overturned requiring a rewriting of many portions of it. Just because something is in digital form why should it be granted extra rights in copy? Personally, I feel fair use needs to be revisited and greatly expanded to allow all forms of copy as long as you never cross the line of "distribution" That means make a copy to play in the other room, but illegal to make a copy to give to a friend. Commercial use would not share fair use rights the same as in home non-commercial use.
Here is my prediction: never - ever - will Apple go after iPhone users that unlock/jailbreak their phones. Legal or not.

They might think about going after the author(s) - just like Sony went after DVD Decryptor and RipIt4Me authors.
They will probably try to make your life harder if your phone is unlocked - just like Microsoft banned certain Xbox 360 "cheaters".

But suing its own customers - that is RIAA's invention and will most likely be limited to them...

Here is my prediction: never - ever - will Apple go after iPhone users that unlock/jailbreak their phones. Legal or not.
Ah... Do we need a history lesson here? There is more than one way to fight violators. Apple did go after jailbreakers by writing code in their software update that bricked the iphone when this practice first surfaced. Many people including one local friend of mine who one week was bragging about jail breaking and the following week crying about how Apple bricked his phone. Remember? They probably found that practice lots easier than playing with the lawyers. Today, jailbreakers know they can't turn to Apple for help and upgrades but must work with reversing out the hack to get updates or worry the updates won't brick the phone if applied.
i posted that it is generally considered to be covered by an exception earlier in the thread. But your link is toa Copyright office action that was suppsoed to last 3 yeas---and is now more than three years old.
And there is an extension in place till they get the 2009 rule in place.


SUMMARY: The Librarian of Congress is
extending, on an interim basis, the
existing classes of works with respect to
which the prohibition against
circumvention of technological
measures that effectively control access
to copyrighted works shall not apply to
persons who engage in noninfringing
DATES: Effective Date: October 28, 2009.
Actually I though unlocking a phone was specifically exempted from DCMA. I do not have the reference handy, but I seem to remember reading that cell phone unlocking to change carriers was exempted.

Ah yes, here is the reference Cell phone unlocking legal (for three years)

So, iPhone hacking to change carriers is legal as far as the Feds are concerned.

You don't hack the Iphone to change carriers, you simply get the unlock code from the vendor enter it and the phone is unlocked. You can unlock your iPhone and not change carriers.
Jail breaking and Unlocking to entirely different things.
Seems I found the answer already.. Cant use Tmobiles 3g on the iphone (different Freq band) So I guess thats a no go. Edge works fine on it though.
Seems I found the answer already.. Cant use Tmobiles 3g on the iphone (different Freq band) So I guess thats a no go. Edge works fine on it though.
Remember the day you posted your original question ? 30 minutes after you did, I told you it wouldn't work. at least the 3G aspect of it...
You don't hack the Iphone to change carriers, you simply get the unlock code from the vendor enter it and the phone is unlocked. You can unlock your iPhone and not change carriers.
Jail breaking and Unlocking to entirely different things.

Actually some folks DO hack the iPhone to unlock it. The method you describe is just one way to do it.
Actually some folks DO hack the iPhone to unlock it. The method you describe is just one way to do it.

You don't have to hack the iPhone to unlock it. ANY GSM phone can be unlocked and used on any GSM carrier. Whether or not the UMTS standards are compatible for HSDPA 3G.
I have a unlocked 8900, and unlocked E5800, and a unlocked iPhone 2G. I can put them on any GSM carrier, and the sad thing I use CDMA service.
No you do not have to but I never said that. What I said is that some unlocks are hacks.
I think that when Apple does move to other carriers (and that will happen one day) there will be as little notice as possible for fear of hurting current iphone ssaes. I am not sure when that AT&T exclusivity ends but I do not see them telling you now that they will "show off" the Iphone at CES and sell it several months later. Besides we already know what it can do.
No you do not have to but I never said that. What I said is that some unlocks are hacks.

No unlocks are hacks. If anyone is hacking a iphone or any GSM phone their either stupid or mentally challenged.
unlocks require no hacks it just a simple code that is entered in the head set it's given to you for free.
No unlocks are hacks. If anyone is hacking a iphone or any GSM phone their either stupid or mentally challenged.
unlocks require no hacks it just a simple code that is entered in the head set it's given to you for free.

Perhaps the people using the various unauthorized programs to unlock iphones are stupid or mentally challenged. I can't say. But that does not alter the fact that some unlocking is done by hacks and not by the use of codes given by AT&T. Go ahead and do a web search on iphone unlocking and you will find links to articles on using third party programs to accomplish the unlock. You will even find download sites if you so inclined. Entering a code from the original carrier is one method but it is NOT the only method.

Here is a link to the first article that came up on a search How to Unlock your iPhone 3G - PC World It is a year old and already outdated in that the current version of the software is called blacksn0w now. But it is a software based method of unlocking an iphone without entering the code you describe. Yes your method works. Maybe it even works better but it is NOT the only way to do it.
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