iPhone 4.0 OS To Be Announced

Not a surprise. Jobs does not want them and they do not want Apple's iproducts.

On a side note. I went ahead and did a "unjailbreak" last night on my iPhone. I tried to download blacksnow to tether on my iPhone with my iPad and it ended up not recognizing my home wifi. Now waiting for 4.0 so I can run some apps in the background again. The other reason was for Sling on 3G but that has already been addressed.

You updated to 3.1.3?
3.1.3 offered nothing. If I would have known you needed to tether I could have helped you out.

Thanks. It may have a few bug fixes in the firmware. It would have been nice to have tether but not a necessity for me. That's what I get for trial and error.:)
Android in the end will smoke apple why--they care. If you're a developer Google will send you Nexus 1 for free. Also Google will help the developer every step of the way Apple will not.

And with the HTC Extreme to be released it could be the knife in Apples back; unless Job wakes up and allow Flash in.

Android Tries Harder - Pogue's Posts Blog - NYTimes.com

It was the droid that was going to kill the iPhone, then the nexus 1, now it's the htc Extreme. Meanwhile iPhone has sold 8.8 million units in 1st qtr 2010. None of these devices is even close to stabbing Apple in the back. iPhone is a freight train now and the only way it can be stopped is by derailing it. Apple will continue to improve it's limited OS and hardware in a controlled fashion. Flash will die long before iPhone, iPad, iPod. Plus, Apple will have the advantage of simply allowing Flash when it is ready if it is still around and is still a major issue with it's customers. Meanwhile the thousands who will refuse to buy an iPhone just because of lack of Flash, is of little concern to Apple. Apple has made their choice based on the millions of iPhone and ipad iPod users who don't want a crippled experience through Flash's being a memory hog.
Besides, those who insist on Flash as well as those who insist on having more freedom of use (like me) have many other choices wih an easy of use such as Android and WinMobile.
All I can say is wait until Apple opens the iPhone to other carriers and has the capability to meet demand. We may see iPhone go to 8.8 million a month and higher.
That is most likely the goal...
And Apple is convinced that when facing a choice between iPhone and another platform, developers will stick with Apple.
Introducing iAd had probably contributed to this stance...

This actually makes the rumors about Apple and Microsoft cozying up very theoretical...


EDIT: Apple didn't like this news
Android Market gets 9,000 new apps in March, world domination can't be far behind -- Engadget

They cozied up years ago. Specifically when Jobs took the Apple helm again.
It was the droid that was going to kill the iPhone, then the nexus 1, now it's the htc Extreme. Meanwhile iPhone has sold 8.8 million units in 1st qtr 2010. None of these devices is even close to stabbing Apple in the back. iPhone is a freight train now and the only way it can be stopped is by derailing it. Apple will continue to improve it's limited OS and hardware in a controlled fashion. Flash will die long before iPhone, iPad, iPod. Plus, Apple will have the advantage of simply allowing Flash when it is ready if it is still around and is still a major issue with it's customers. Meanwhile the thousands who will refuse to buy an iPhone just because of lack of Flash, is of little concern to Apple. Apple has made their choice based on the millions of iPhone and ipad iPod users who don't want a crippled experience through Flash's being a memory hog.
Besides, those who insist on Flash as well as those who insist on having more freedom of use (like me) have many other choices wih an easy of use such as Android and WinMobile.
All I can say is wait until Apple opens the iPhone to other carriers and has the capability to meet demand. We may see iPhone go to 8.8 million a month and higher.

Don, you are sounding more and more like the Apple stock-holder who will say anything to keep the price going up. And sound like you are drinking their kool-aid about flash.

And for the record I do not think any one phone will kill the iphone, there are too many fanatics out there. I get that. Let the iphone develop, but boo to Apple for imposing their control to try to weaken cross-platform development.
And sound like you are drinking their kool-aid about flash.

Actually, my issues with Flash preceed the Apple protests. 2 years ago I had a near flawless webcasting service running for advertising clients. We had a good thing going using windows Media. Only support I had to do was for Mac users who didn't know about a plugin they could load that enabled Mac computers to play wmv files with quicktime. In 4 years I only ever had 9 complaints that needed this support. Then I chose to retire and we got a new web guy ( a self proclaimed expert in web design) He insisted that what I did was not only awkward but stupid and he would show us how using Flash would be so much better. After he changed all the webcasts over to Flash, complaints began rolling in. Many people just didn't understand why they had to install plugins and go out of their way to play the video when just a few months ago it worked fine. Those who could play the videos, many complained about the quality. It is my opinion that the "expert" used this Flash just to make himself appear important and it did absolutely nothing to improve the presentation, the message, not to say the least, increase sales on the advertising results. Mike- I chose WMV for a good reason, it was simple, fast to do, required no special players, and just worked for 99%+ of everyone who went to look at the ads without needing to jump through hoops. So, if you think that is Apple Kool Aide then I guess I'm drinking it. I have the tools to do Flash and I have done Flash content for clients who have requested it. But that does not mean I think it should be used in all situations.
Actually, my issues with Flash preceed the Apple protests. 2 years ago I had a near flawless webcasting service running for advertising clients. We had a good thing going using windows Media. Only support I had to do was for Mac users who didn't know about a plugin they could load that enabled Mac computers to play wmv files with quicktime. In 4 years I only ever had 9 complaints that needed this support. Then I chose to retire and we got a new web guy ( a self proclaimed expert in web design) He insisted that what I did was not only awkward but stupid and he would show us how using Flash would be so much better. After he changed all the webcasts over to Flash, complaints began rolling in. Many people just didn't understand why they had to install plugins and go out of their way to play the video when just a few months ago it worked fine. Those who could play the videos, many complained about the quality. It is my opinion that the "expert" used this Flash just to make himself appear important and it did absolutely nothing to improve the presentation, the message, not to say the least, increase sales on the advertising results. Mike- I chose WMV for a good reason, it was simple, fast to do, required no special players, and just worked for 99%+ of everyone who went to look at the ads without needing to jump through hoops. So, if you think that is Apple Kool Aide then I guess I'm drinking it. I have the tools to do Flash and I have done Flash content for clients who have requested it. But that does not mean I think it should be used in all situations.

Apple is against Flash for 1 simple reason - it breaks their ecosystem. Why would people pay $5 per app for an HD version of their favorite iphone game on their ipad if they can just go to Pogo.com or some other flash games site? Why would they pay $2 for a TV show if they can find a site to stream it for free via Flash?

Flash more often than not is done right instead of wrong, because someone didn't encode some videos or something right is a funny reason for being against it. The only problem in your use case is someone changed something that worked, and did a piss poor job of it to boot, causing a disruption for the end users.
I have to agree the only reason Apple has booted flash is that they would lose revenue in the iTunes store. They do not want free web sites displacing apps. They also want developers locked into their system. By making them have to work to maintain separate versions for non iphones, Apple hopes that they will do itunes only versions.
MeStevo- you completely missed the point. Probably because you didn't read the purpose of my post. I wasn't addressing your beliefs that flash is great. I was addessing Mike's accusation that I am against flash only because apple is. Read again the first part where I said I had trouble with flash 2 years before this Apple debate came up. Mike felt I had turned on the basis of Apple and he was just wrong. He wasnt aware of the background i have had with Flash. I have never been a Flash fanboy even though I have done content, for hire, using Flash. It has it's place but should it be ubiquitous? I don't think so. Frankly, my life is just fine without Flash.
MeStevo- you completely missed the point. Probably because you didn't read the purpose of my post. I wasn't addressing your beliefs that flash is great. I was addessing Mike's accusation that I am against flash only because apple is. Read again the first part where I said I had trouble with flash 2 years before this Apple debate came up. Mike felt I had turned on the basis of Apple and he was just wrong. He wasnt aware of the background i have had with Flash. I have never been a Flash fanboy even though I have done content, for hire, using Flash. It has it's place but should it be ubiquitous? I don't think so. Frankly, my life is just fine without Flash.

So I take it you read the first sentence of my post and replied, rather than the entire 2nd section which applied specifically to your reason for not liking Flash... which was more of a fail developer rather than an actual problem with Flash?

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