Installing my first motorized C Band Satellite Dish (w/pictures)

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I would agree with your suggestion, except.... The only thing in RamboHacks system that Rick carries is the Venture actuator. The whole thread is about installing and troubleshooting the equipment appearing in post #1. :coco
Well enough about how Rick's forum is moderated... :deadhorse

RamboHack how is your system operating today? Counts accurate?

I had a situation several years ago where some local dealers got into a financing deal. Most of the time they mounted the dishes on a 20 foot pole, which made them sway in the wind causing temporary outages. Their customers called me and wanted to know if the tall poles were necessary. At least 2/3 of them weren't. I found out these guys were charging $450.00 extra for the tall poles. To make a long story short, the people who had unnecessarily tall poles hired us to shorten them and reinstall the dishes.

Of course, the installerss got a charge back from the finance company, and I was the heavy. It turned out all of them were forced by the attorney general to give the customer's money back over questionable business practices and exceptionally high interest rates. Some of these guys had to pay back $3400.00 each to over a hundred customers. It put several of them out of business. I don't know how I became the heavy in that mess, but I was. :)
Do you think so? I myself don't usually like to be a customer at a company that would rather 'sell' their own stuff, than 'help' me with my problems.
A total banning of some posts seems a bit radical to me....
Sorry for being off topic but I feel the need to respond...

I've been in business since 1989 and I don't let competitors discuss their products on my business website. If I had a web forum, I wouldn't let competitors discuss their products there either. I would much rather have a customer buy my product vs. a competitor. However, if a customer calls or emails me and describes what he wants to accomplish, and my software won't do the job, I will refer them to the appropriate product. But that is done privately. The forum is public.

Rick doesn't have advertising on his website (at least that I am aware of), other than mentions of his own web store. His forum is one way of attracting buyers to his web store. He has every right to delete posts that mention other products which could possibly lose a sale for him.
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Hi, sorry for responding too late, but i had a lot of things to do at work today.

Long story short: i use the advice Titanium gave me " first power the ASC1 and then power up the Reciever" and things seems to be working pretty good.

I didnt have any problems today, it is working perfectly fine.

I need to test this solution for another few more days to be 100% completely sure.

But as far as i can see, right now its working fine! :clapping

I think im gonna posponed the "capacitor solution" form now.

Everything is working fine.

Right now im programming my reciever to use the Diseqc 1.2, so i can move the actuator with the reciever. I need to put the same sat position i have on my asc1 in the reciever, in order to work together.

But thats another story.
Thank you very much Titanium for your help :hatsoff

Monterrey, Mexico
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Titanium, i have a question, maybe your could help me with this one.

Im having a little problem with my ASC1, well basically is not a problem, or maybe it is a problem hehehe.

Everytime i press "info" key in my Gsky Hellobox v7, the ASC1 took that key as the "West" key, and my actuator moves one pulse to the west.

Same thing happens when i press "6" in my Hellobox remote, the Asc1 move "east" one pulse.

If i press audio from my hellobox, the asc1 turns off....and so on with other keys.

The only solution i found, its to turn off the asc1 as soon as i move to my desire satellite. But its kind of annoying turning off and on every time.

I bought a new control "Harmony 650" and programmed to use it with my Hellobox, but its the same problem.

Do you know any Universal control that works with the ASC1 but with a different code or something? I need to change the code at the asc1 or at the hellobox.

It is very weird that 2 devices share the same control codes. Never had this problem before.

Monterrey, Mexico
Yeah, but the problem with DIseqc 1.2 is that when i just want to "surf" through the satellites to look for channels, the actuator automatically moves to that sat, even though i didnt select any channel yet.

So basically my ASC1 is configured as a stand alone reciever, so i can controll which satellite i want to be on.

The only solution i found is turning off with the remote my asc1 and be very carefull when i press the "audio" key on my Hellobox reciever because that key, power on the ASC1, and therefore if i press info or 6 keys its gonna move east or west my actuator....... its a messed! :drama hehehe

Thats the only solution i found.

If anyone know an alternate remote code for my Gsky Hellobox v7 or my Asc1 that i could input on my universal Harmony 650/700 remote, i really appreciate if you post it.

Thanks again

Monterrey, Mexico
Most receivers will call for a satellite position change when entering a menu or channel list for another sat. That is the way the coding must be structured or you use a lot of unnecessary memory space/processor power. The fix for that is to change your surfing habits. Also when entering some menus the receiver commands a move to the first sat in your list. I have a dummy listing for my first sat that has no motor position assigned so it doesn't move when I enter the menu, only after I select the sat I want to work with will it move.
The problem with the duplicate IR codes for the receiver and ASC1 is unfortunate though. The only solution I can see is to replace the receiver. I have not heard of this issue with other receivers so I don't think you would run into this with a box from a different manufacturer.
I found the solution!

And i will share it here, maybe a future user will have the same problem as me, and this will help.

The solution i found is this:

You have to use the Harmony Logitech 650/700 remote control.

And instead of programming the remote using the Hellobox v7 settings, program your remote like if you have a Coolsat 5000 Platinum.

Coolsat 5000, uses almost the same remote codes the Gsky Hellobox v7 uses, only difference is, that there is a little slightly different code, ie: the "info", the key # "6", the "audio" key, among others, will not interfere with the Titanium ASC1.

I tried to many satellite recievers in my Harmony control, and when i was about to give up, i tried the coolsat 5000 and it worked!

There are a very few keys, that didnt match witch the Hellobox, but you should solve this problem by using the learning feature setting the Harmony has. And you will have a 100% funcional remote control for your Hellobox v7 receiver without interfering with the Titanium ASC1.

Now i can leave my ASC1 on, without being worried that its gonna take a hellobox reciever command and move my actuator to the east or west.


Monterrey, Mexico
I found the solution!


Coolsat 5000, uses almost the same remote codes the Gsky Hellobox v7 uses, only difference is, that there is a little slightly different code, ie: the "info", the key # "6", the "audio" key, among others, will not interfere with the Titanium ASC1.

Monterrey, Mexico

Excellent work around! Great solution. You are now an official Satellite Hobbyist! Congratulations!!!
Nice workaround with the Hellobox remote problem. Its like the remote sends out multiple IR codes per key press, or the IR codes are poorly modulated? Who knows.

BTW, your thread at the other site was deleted. No explanation was given. So now you're stuck with us here! :)
Yeap, im banned in the other forum and i dont know why...

I am under the impression that Rick Caylor thinks that im a hacker or that i hacked his forum, or i dont know what he thinks i am.
But suddenly he banned me, he erased all my posts, he is even bannin all the ips adresses my VPN allowed me to use.

And the worst thing is, i really dont know what i did! :(

He is making a huge injustice with me.
I dont know why he got so angry with me.

Monterrey, Mexico
Yeap, im banned in the other forum and i dont know why...
I think he just made a very bad decision to ban you with no explanation. Knowing how someone treats people online, at a distance, tells a lot about their character. While I understand he wants to sell his own stuff, he doesn't have to be a complete jerk about it.
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I think he just made a very bad decision to ban you with no explanation. Knowing how someone treats people online, at a distance, tells a lot about their character. While I understand he wants to sell his own stuff, he doesn't have to be a complete jerk about it.
I do agree completely with Rambo Hack and N6BY, just reading how the forum rules are on the other website it gives an impression how the forum moderators mindset is.
It is unjust to treat people like that, and Rambo Hack was treated like" judging a book by it's cover " don't worry Rambo Hack I know your are from Mexico, and I am from Aruba, I can tell for about 2 years on Satellite guys forum, here you will find great folks that really does help each other no matter if it is a simple or complicated question
Take care and have a great weekend.
Richinald .
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You did nothing wrong. It was a great informational thread that would have helped many newbies install their first C-band system.

Too bad you are banned as you have lost the assistance of many fine knowledgeable forum members who love to help others. The great news is... this forum also has a larger group of extremely knowledgeable members who love to help!

Please don't let that negative experience temper your enthusiasm for the hobby! Thanks for taking time to share your first-time C-Band BUD installation experience and providing such detailed information, questions and sharing solutions. You are truly a great asset to the satellite hobbyist community!
Rambohack, welcome to the club as I'm banned over there also!! And that after making only ONE post on that board in 3 months!! He also tried to ban my IP address, but I have a friend in Russia who provides me with proxies so for him that was an exercise in futility!

Just remember this incident the next time you need to purchase more FTA equipment and buy from someone else like I do! That way YOU will have the last laugh because that forum over there only exists so he can make money off of the members.

A lot of members there are also members here so like others have said, all the help you'll likely ever need can be found here on Sat Guys!
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And of course Rick got banned from SatForums years ago for stealing info from the private feeds section of the forum and the posting it out in the open.A lot of stuff went scrambled because of that.
Also believe he's persona non grata around here too.
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I've had remote problems for years. I had to move my surveillance system in the other room and run an HDMI cable to the TV and a very long mouse cord to my easy chair, like 30 feet. Every remote I had either interfered with the DVR or my Go Video HDMI switch. The remote for my DVR would switch inputs on my HDMI switch. I finally rearranged the wires on my HDMI switch so it would switch the TV input to the right channel on the HDMI switch.

My DVR is in a room that isn't heated, and when it's cold, it will blink on and off several times before landing on the video for the DVR. Doesn't do it when it's warm. Not sure what's going on with that. So far, my 9000i hasn't been problematic, but if it starts, I'll order a UHF remote kit from Casey and fix that problem. I guess with so many gadgets using the infrared spectrum, it had to happen sooner or later. :)
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Back to topic guys.

Now that i finally tweak my system and that i can get all the channels from 34.5w to 135w, i need to ask you guys some final questions i have.

Its about Dish maintenance.

I wanto to keep my satellite dish in great condition as long as i could. I know that aluminum, steel, electric stuff like the actuator and the rest of the system is not going to be like new forever, but with good maintenance, it should be working fine for many years.

Thats why i wanna ask you guys if it is ok if i use this 2 products on my actuator:

Is it ok to put this on the actuator?:

I mean, to use the silicon grease in this part of the actuator:


And 2 question.

Is it ok to use this on the inside of the actuator? i mean, on the bolts that the cables are located: Its a dialectric grease


I want to use the dialectric grease in here: Is it ok to put it on the bolts?


Monterrey, Mexico
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