Hi guys!
I spent many hours today, fixing my dish.
At first i tried to fix the misalignment without removing the dish.... short story: i couldnt.
So i disassembly the whole dish, and using all your advices, i put it face down on a flat floor.
I was very hard, and i mean it, VERY HARD to put the bolts the are located at the center of the dish!
It was almost impossible to reach that place
I had to ask someone to grab me by my waist and one arm, and with my other free hand i had to put the bolt, the washer and everything.... luckly i didnt felt above the dish.... but it was very very difficult.
Anyway, i followed all your advices, and i found that one of the 4 panels didnt match the holes against each other. So, very carefyully i took a driller and i made the holes a little bigger than they were before.
That way the bolts got inside with just a push of my hand, and the panel rim fits perfectly sincronized with each other on the floor
This picture is BEFORE i put the bolts and washers, the rim do not look sincronized in this pic.
Well, after that, i took the big dish to the roof, all by myself because my helper had to go
Luckly it wasnt so hard.
I installed the dish in the polar mount, and proceed to do the infamous 'STRING TEST"
And guess what?? It Passed!!
The super teeny tiny string i used, barely touch each other! I put the stingers in the most precise location i could, that means one horizontal and the other one vertical. And they slightly touch. None of them pushes against each other.
Just to be 100% sure, i put another one, a third string, just to be sure, and it passed also! so i think im good to go right?
Here are 2 pictures with the strings over the dish.... it is VERY difficult to see, but they are touching each other very slightly:
And here is a picture i took looking thru the center of the dish to the sky:
Since the string test passed, and the daylight still on the horizon, i decided tu put the rods on the dish:
And my brand new Titanium C1-PLL
After i install the Titanium LNB, i read on the manual that i should take meassures, from the center of the dish to the rim of the LNB, i mean not the lnb actually, but the plate where it goes.
I took the reading in 4 different places, all around the LNB plate, and i got 114.6cm which is like 45 inches, and to my surprised, i got 114.6cm at every of the 4 places i meassured. I guess that mean is good right?
I also wanted to install the actuator, but i was very very tired, so i had to stop and rest, tomorrow i will continue with my hobby.
But before i went down from the roof, i mark my pole, which is pointed right now to my true south, with a masking tape.... in the dish manual installation guide, says "for future reference" so i did it .
Ohhh and by the way, before i install the big dish, i set the polar mount with my modified elevation and declination level that i got from this page:
Satellite finder, how to point dish with magnetic north, azimuth and elevation program calculator. using my lattitude and longitude.
And thats it guys, im very happy with what i did today. i hope i didnt make any mistakes

Tomorrow i'll post more pictures of my New Venture 36" Actuator installation.
Thank you guys, i really appreciate all your comments and advices
Monterrey Mexico