Jimbo i believe you misread my reply as taking up for the installer, how ever i completly was NOT taking up for him, from what i read he was completly rude and disrespectful to the customer and could have handled the situation completly different. If he had mud on his shoes, and didnt have the required shoe covers, or another pair of shoes, he should have done what he had to to keep from getting mud in the customers house, for what ever reason he didnt whether his feet stunk or whatever he should have sucked it up and said hey mr/mrs so n so my feet really stink and i dont have another pair and mud is on these so if you dont mind can i borrow some air freshener so i can keep from tracking mud in your house. I was just confirming that yes osha and some of the installation companies does in fact have regulations that installers are not "technically" allowed to take our shoes off in customers houses.