Instalation Instructions for repalcement 722 - Hopelessly outdated!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Oct 30, 2003
Rochester, NY Region
Had to install my replacement 722 yesterday. The included instructions do not reflect the new EARC dish. It wanted me to aim at 119 for a Dish 500 and do a Check Switch. Could not get past that. Had to cal tech support and was told that all I needed to do was point to 72 and wait till the signal was acquired and select Done. Also. there should be instructions not to connect the EHD till everything is back up and running.
If it's just a replacement receiver, you shouldn't have had to touch your dish at all. If you have not adjusted your dish, did you have another question? Just run the check switch, lock on 72.7 for the download, and then run a check switch again after activation.
Did you get the receiver up and running? If you are having any issues still, I posted here just so I could monitor and could walk you through any issues you may still be having.
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If it's just a replacement receiver, you shouldn't have had to touch your dish at all. If you have not adjusted your dish, did you have another question? Just run the check switch, lock on 72.7 for the download, and then run a check switch again after activation.

No. I should have made myself clearer. This was at the Point Dish Screen. Had to change from 119 to 72. No actual physical change. After changing the Point Dish to 72 I just had to select Done.
I understand dwarren2's frustration/confusion. This stuff needs to be updated and simplified. Three things DishNetwork could do is..... 1, reduce the number of receivers. How about just two receivers. 1 dvr and 1 non dvr receiver. (well maybe three, a whole house fully capable receiver but that is another can of worms) What ever options either one could provide pending activation. 2, simplify the channel groupings I can have. 3, the user installation guides on the receivers need to be updated and be made more user friendly. I currently have two stable 722k's with a 1k.4 dish antenna. Look at the picture below. I haven't used a superdish in over 5 years......
I am not bashing DishNetwork, I have been a sub for over a decade. ;)


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When your idyllic suggestion comes to fruition, let me know. Until then, it's a business. You can just de-select the superdish option and run the test again, won't make a difference either way. The only ones it really matters for have DP Adapters.
When your idyllic suggestion comes to fruition, "let me know". Until then, it's a business.
Wait for it.:rolleyes:...... Still a business?.. Whats that supposed to mean? Never mind. :facepalm The picture I posted and referenced just show why things need updating..... My comments were not meant as an insult toward Dish.
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Watching DVR from 722 on laptop requires sling?

Do installers go on the roof in the winter?

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