Inside the VOOM Box!

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Note all the inductors (chokes) in the analog video output section. This is most likely what makes the analog output look so good. A lot of manufactures leave this important filter out for cost reasons. the result is a lot of out of band noise and artifcats.
Yes, that is a very finetuned circuit. You can see clearly three strings of inductors which I assume is for the 3 component channels.

Have not tried a USB keyboard yet, not sure how it would help other then alternate control.

I really want to find a console prompt on this baby somewhere :)

More Info on the USB connection!

First off, I want to make something clear. The information I am providing is not for HACKING the VoOm signals. Digicypher is secure and has not been broken (to my knowledge) and is beyond the scope of this forum and my expertise. The primary reasion for this work is to figure out if better ways exist to CONTROL the VoOm box. Basically IR sucks! If a serial or network connection can be achieved then connection to TiVo or other automation systems would make my (and I hope others) life easier. That said, here is the latest...

I connected a linksys wireless usb network adapter (WUSB11, 2.4 GHZ 802.11b) to the Voom receiver. It gave me an IP address. I pinged the IP address and it was live. I then went to my computer and started searching for the ip. To my surprise it gave me the sharedocs folder that contained two folders --my music & shared pictures. Recognize these folders--microsoft? I had to make sure I was looking at the right computer so I disconnected the wireless adapter from the VOOM receiver and when I ping the ip again it was not active.

I opened a DOS session and use netstat to check the connection and it gave me two ports were the connection was established on the foreign address:

(1) Microsoft-ds (445)
(2) netbios-ssn (139)

Anyone have other usb network adapters to try?

Found a new menu(s)...

Get to the "Installation Settings" menu
(VoOm),(green),(system settings), (8. Installation Settings)

988 = System Configuration (Yes we all knew this one)
977 = Advanced System Status (only has one option - "1. Diagnostics Data" (See "Motorola Installation & Diagnostic Menu Guide.pdf" for more details on this) Installation & Diagnostic Menu Guide.pdf
966 = Operational Mode (can be changed to "Normal" or "Demo")

Do you see the pattern here? I also tried 955, 944, and 933 which gives you option 3 from the installation settings menu - you have to use digits that are not used in the menu you are on.

There are lots of combinations starting with 9 if anyone wants to poke at it.
Just stay on the "Installation Settings Menu" when your trying them, use back if you get something you don't like.

Update on USB networking on VoOm

It seems that the experiment I posted earlier using the Linksys wireless USB adapter will not duplicate. I went to test the setup a day later and it never re-aquired the networrk. Don't know why it worked and now does not. Have tested the adapter on my PC and it's ok. I guess there was something in the adapters memory that allowed it to work that one time which was a real Fluk and piece of luck because it is now certin that some networking can be done to the stb. If anyone wants to try their USB network adapter and knows how to scan your network for a new IP (which the VoOm) box will aquire- go for it! (And please post if you have any sucess) Be sure to reboot the stb after changing any USB configuration.

I have a short list of what is not working;
Blitzz wireless 802.11b
netgear MA101
netgear MA111

Good luck!
theimperia said:
geekygizmo said:
977 = Advanced System Status (only has one option - "1. Diagnostics Data" (See "Motorola Installation & Diagnostic Menu Guide.pdf" for more details on this) Installation & Diagnostic Menu Guide.pdf


Can you tell me where you got that file? I need one for DSR305 (or 905).

Thank you alot,


Welcome to the board! All these documents are located at See this thread: VOOM Links with lots of good DOCS!
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Voom PVR Irony

WPIX-DT in NYC...and VOOM box...

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