bruce said:My step-father is doing the same, like it is my fault because I recommended the service to him.
You had to know it was always a gamble and also referring anything to the inlaws can at best be like walking the tight rope.

bruce said:My step-father is doing the same, like it is my fault because I recommended the service to him.
Mtnmanco said:If any of you VOOMERS really think the company or that clown Dolan cares about you or how you feel then you are only fooling yourselves. Dolan was not in this business for you. That may surprise some of you but like any other multi-millionaire his final goal was to increase his overall personal wealth and satisfy his very large ego. Thats reality EX-VOOMERS!!!
As far as your current worries and troubles with a company in its last days of existence, the simple fact of the matter is the CSR (or whoever you speak with) will not have a job in two weeks or so. Their biggest concern (understandably) is whether they will get their last paycheck and not any of your (in their eyes) trivial service or billing problems.
Who will be left to field your complaints, billing questions and concerns after 04/30??? A skeleton crew if you are lucky. In reality quit worrying and sniffilling about stuff you have no control over. Find a new provider you can live with. Just remember sh*t happens, not every fairy tale has a happy ending. Move on and chalk VOOM up as just another of life's unfortunate experiences.
I was not trying to get something for nothing I call and ask if they would of said no , then I would have say I don't want to disconnect but I am not complaing, I didn't say Voom lied to me or rip me off ,I was just letting everyone know that the OTa will not work . By the way I still have OTA box so its no big deal and if I wouldn't have posted this info, would a lot of people have gotten the same kill hit without knowing? My post might have save some boxs .smeagal said:In regards to the original post. By trying to save half a months subcribtion you cost yourself a free ota reciever!!!!!!!
Mtnmanco said:Move on and chalk VOOM up as just another of life's unfortunate experiences.
"Waller"? Does your family tree branch? If not, you MIGHT be a Redneck.Mtnmanco said:So "Indy" based on your intellectual well thought out response it is obvious the facts struck a nerve. You can waller in self pity and occupy most of your waking moments with this VOOM debacle....
SactoCal said:deeann,
I am also in NorCal/Sac area and still had picture this AM. Have you decided on a new provider? Comcast, E* or D*? I had E* awhile back and the PQ was really bad, but that may have changed as it was a few years ago. I also tried Comcast recently and could not believe they even called it HD. Just wondering what others will do.
T2k said:My very best friend was scheduled to get Voom on 16th - of course he didn't get it... it was sooo close...![]()
Indy said:Stick it up your as*!
Mtnmanco said:Indy: To add to my point do you remember this 04/15 post of yours? It really says it all when illustrating some VOOMERS obsession and break from reality with respect to all of this.
Yes I do remember posting that about Voom and still stand by it. Voom could have left us twisting in the wind with no warning of a shutdown. This could have been lights out, read about it in the Newspaper AFTER the shutdown. Voom id not do that. They do care and you are wrong. Why not go troll somewhere else and leave us alone. You are not wanted here.
Just tried the ignore list with Mtnmanco . I believe ignorance will be almost bliss in this case!
You may not be reading, but you certainly are not ignoring.Indy said:Can't hear you Mtnmanco. Are you flapping your gums again? Ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore. Ignorance is not almost bliss, this is bliss!![]()