Voom Box is DEAD and no OTA

bruce said:
My step-father is doing the same, like it is my fault because I recommended the service to him.

You had to know it was always a gamble and also referring anything to the inlaws can at best be like walking the tight rope. :no
I had a signal issue last week (as in none), I called and they couldn't diagnose the issue, and obviously wouldn't send a tech...The CSR said "I will put in a disconnect, and should it come back, you will have the service for the remaining 2 weeks and will not be billed"...I said "Are you SURE they won't disconnect it?" He said "Yes". I had NO signal so I said "OK", why pay for the next two weeks I thought with no signal. Turns out a day later, I find hat my LNB was loose, I tightened it and the signal returned. Yesterday I came home and had "Voom not authorized"..I called, he said I requested a discoonect, and they were informed to kill service immediately to all of the disconnects..I explained the situation, and would gladly pay for the remaining month for them to restore service..as I was told to do this by a CSR. He said his hands were tied and basically couldn't do a thing. I am NOT a freeloader, I only followed what I was told, and would have gladly paid for the remaining time. So I yanked the box, plugged my coax into my TV and am now watching at least my OTA (with a great picture I might add).....I loved Voom, but I thought this whole deal was shady. They disconnect at their whim, but if you have an service issue in the last month, tough luck...No big loss...Dish comes Thurs anyway....WITH a DVR. I really liked Voom, but now I wish I never got on this rollercoaster to start with.
In regards to the original post. By trying to save half a months subcribtion you cost yourself a free ota reciever!!!!!!!
If any of you VOOMERS really think the company or that clown Dolan cares about you or how you feel then you are only fooling yourselves. Dolan was not in this business for you. That may surprise some of you but like any other multi-millionaire his final goal was to increase his overall personal wealth and satisfy his very large ego. Thats reality EX-VOOMERS!!!

As far as your current worries and troubles with a company in its last days of existence, the simple fact of the matter is the CSR (or whoever you speak with) will not have a job in two weeks or so. Their biggest concern (understandably) is whether they will get their last paycheck and not any of your (in their eyes) trivial service or billing problems.

Who will be left to field your complaints, billing questions and concerns after 04/30??? A skeleton crew if you are lucky. In reality quit worrying and sniffilling about stuff you have no control over. Find a new provider you can live with. Just remember sh*t happens, not every fairy tale has a happy ending. Move on and chalk VOOM up as just another of life's unfortunate experiences.
Mtnmanco said:
If any of you VOOMERS really think the company or that clown Dolan cares about you or how you feel then you are only fooling yourselves. Dolan was not in this business for you. That may surprise some of you but like any other multi-millionaire his final goal was to increase his overall personal wealth and satisfy his very large ego. Thats reality EX-VOOMERS!!!

As far as your current worries and troubles with a company in its last days of existence, the simple fact of the matter is the CSR (or whoever you speak with) will not have a job in two weeks or so. Their biggest concern (understandably) is whether they will get their last paycheck and not any of your (in their eyes) trivial service or billing problems.

Who will be left to field your complaints, billing questions and concerns after 04/30??? A skeleton crew if you are lucky. In reality quit worrying and sniffilling about stuff you have no control over. Find a new provider you can live with. Just remember sh*t happens, not every fairy tale has a happy ending. Move on and chalk VOOM up as just another of life's unfortunate experiences.

Stick it up your as*!
smeagal said:
In regards to the original post. By trying to save half a months subcribtion you cost yourself a free ota reciever!!!!!!!
I was not trying to get something for nothing I call and ask if they would of said no , then I would have say I don't want to disconnect but I am not complaing, I didn't say Voom lied to me or rip me off ,I was just letting everyone know that the OTa will not work . By the way I still have OTA box so its no big deal and if I wouldn't have posted this info, would a lot of people have gotten the same kill hit without knowing? My post might have save some boxs .
As for me I'm riding it out until THEY turn off the power on 4/30. Then I'll worry about FX#%# cable or M@#%##DirecTV or C###@$&*&Dish. (As Al Swearingen would put it.)
I see that the same old will it work/will it not work/ will Voom send a kill signal for ota debate is still going on.
Considering how things have gone the past few months with Voom, why should they definitively let us know about this now? After all, there are about 10 left until shutdown.
As for me, they can have their receiver back because I am going with an LG 4200a. I don't want to depend upon an iffy and unsupported hd receiver.
So "Indy" based on your intellectual well thought out response it is obvious the facts struck a nerve. You can wallow in self pity and occupy most of your waking moments with this VOOM debacle. You are most likely in a small minority with this VOOM withdrawl. So your vulgar response to my post is understandable and I forgive you. You certainly are entitled to hang-on to this foolish fixation with the VOOM debacle. Most everyone else will move on as was my point. Have a great VOOM day while they last.
Mtnmanco said:
So "Indy" based on your intellectual well thought out response it is obvious the facts struck a nerve. You can waller in self pity and occupy most of your waking moments with this VOOM debacle....
"Waller"? Does your family tree branch? If not, you MIGHT be a Redneck.
SactoCal said:

I am also in NorCal/Sac area and still had picture this AM. Have you decided on a new provider? Comcast, E* or D*? I had E* awhile back and the PQ was really bad, but that may have changed as it was a few years ago. I also tried Comcast recently and could not believe they even called it HD. Just wondering what others will do.

I'm going back to SureWest (SD, possible HD this summer) and waiting and seeing. If it doesn't work out I'll probably be back at Comcast (I've lost count at whcih time this will be). Comcast HD should have really looked good (it's sent uncompressed- the problem I had with them was dropouts), but they also might not have had the STB configured properly for your tv/display.
T2k said:
My very best friend was scheduled to get Voom on 16th - of course he didn't get it... it was sooo close... :(

My next door neighbor just bought an HDTV and was going to switch to VOOM when he finished his commitment with E*.

Rainbow shut the doors way too early :mad:

Indy said:
Stick it up your as*!

Don't feed the trolls :D
Indy: To add to my point do you remember this 04/15 post of yours? It really says it all when illustrating some VOOMERS obsession and break from reality with respect to all of this.

04/15 Indy posted:

I just have to speak my two cents worth after numerous phone conversations and reading between the lines. I believe we have to infer from what IS NOT being said more than what is that something is up. The vibes I am getting from Voom is "Oh boy I wish I could spill the beans!"

Think about this. Voom and Cablevision already covered their butts in the fine print concerning their obligations to deliver a service or product and their sole discretion to terminate that service or product whenever and however they choose.

This is where you need to read between the lines. If they are going to stop the service they would have pulled the plug and locked the doors with no notice to us or the employees. The apologies would have come after the fact. This is business and nice has no part of the decision process. If the vote is to close you walk over to the equipment rack and pull the plug. You don't give anyone a 30 day notice to do so. Money is money and that 30 days is costing millions of dollars. The due notice to us has been the struggle within Cablevision up till now.

I am more than 50% sure a transition of Voom 21 to another provider or business as usual on another satellite shortly after the May1 deadline to close.

If the closer is for real and the Voom 21 programming is done on May 1 I will bring the crow out for all of you to see me eat. Just can not decide what wine I want to serve with it yet. Hmmm.. maybe a nicely chilled bottle of MD 20-20?
Mtnmanco said:
Indy: To add to my point do you remember this 04/15 post of yours? It really says it all when illustrating some VOOMERS obsession and break from reality with respect to all of this.

Yes I do remember posting that about Voom and still stand by it. Voom could have left us twisting in the wind with no warning of a shutdown. This could have been lights out, read about it in the Newspaper AFTER the shutdown. Voom id not do that. They do care and you are wrong. Why not go troll somewhere else and leave us alone. You are not wanted here.


Just tried the ignore list with Mtnmanco . I believe ignorance will be almost bliss in this case!

Like every other member I will post anywhere in these forums I choose. Unlike you I don't need anger to make my point. You have already made my point for me.

This forum is not exclusive to people who only hold to your thinking. I am equally entitled as you to speak on any subject of current interest. You possess some pompous view that only those who adhere to your fantasies should use this forum. Get over it and let go. You obviously are obsessed with all of this foolishness.
Can't hear you Mtnmanco. Are you flapping your gums again? Ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore. Ignorance is not almost bliss, this is bliss! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

You can cease your little temper tantrum. I knew with my last response that within minutes you would respond in a manner that would clearly illustrate to others reading this the exact point of my original post. Your last response was even more clarifying than I expected. You can skip the "ignore" as this marks the end of our conversation. The words written by both should give the others some food for thought. Thank you for your contribution to illustrating the points given in my original post.

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