iMac with Retina Display

10.10.2 is a beta version.

The phone sales guy. I assume he misunderstood what machine I was upgrading from because they're normally well informed on this.
I agree, all of the Apple employees I've dealt with in chats or on the phone have been helpful and knowledgeable.
Regardless, I wouldn't have bought the extra memory from Apple - it's available cheaper from many sources.
That's one reason I went with the base RAM. I'm not quite ready to be pushing the machine to its limits quite yet. When I do, prices should be much better than Apple's. Good thing they still let us DIY on the RAM.

I looked at my usage and half my 1TB is video! I need to review everything on the old Mac Pro because I don't think I filled up the Boot disk with my videos. I had a second projects disk for that. Maybe the Migration Utility brought all that over?

More thoughts on making a fresh start.
I knew this iMac was going to be better for editing photos but I really underestimated how much better it would be.
Yeah, the display is pretty awesome! I was expecting my wife to comment on how much bigger it is than the 24" monitor I have on the Mac Pro but she was more impressed that the computer was in the display, so overall it's a much more compact arrangement.
You got the Core i7, so it should be done in no time. I am having a issue because I realize that my video library is out of control. I thought I had everything on a second 1 TB internal drive but it appears I have almost 450 GB of video on the System drive. So my first attempt to Migrate to the new iMac got me down to 225 GB free on my 1 TB Fusion drive. So, I'm going to need to move more raw video to my Work-in-Progress drive.

I'm also concerned that I have QuickTime videos that won't play without QT 7 Pro, I have iDVD projects (are they orphans now?) that I don't know what I need to do. I tried to download the new iLife apps that I receive for buying a new Mac but they won't load on the OS X Lion (needs Mavericks or Yosemite to install and run).
It certainly went much faster than I expected. I posted my message and then poured me a glass of Coke. When I looked back at the screen it was already done. I still have iDVD on my system and it seems to work but I don't have a DVD drive to test it with. I guess it must have transferred over from my old system.
Are RAM and the drives user upgradeable on the new iMac? GIven their movement towards soldered down configurations on the macbooks I wouldn't be surprised if these are no longer user replaceable. But I don't know that for a fact.

Nice machine, but ouch the price tag hurts big time. For me, I'd look into the feasibility of an 21.5" iMac driving a 4K display as a lower cost alternative. Might not be a single display solution, but I almost always use dual displays these days.
Are RAM and the drives user upgradeable on the new iMac? GIven their movement towards soldered down configurations on the macbooks I wouldn't be surprised if these are no longer user replaceable. But I don't know that for a fact.

Nice machine, but ouch the price tag hurts big time. For me, I'd look into the feasibility of an 21.5" iMac driving a 4K display as a lower cost alternative. Might not be a single display solution, but I almost always use dual displays these days.

RAM yes, drive maybe but I wouldn't dream of trying to open up one of these things. Have you considered a mini? Not sure how many displays you can attach to one.
The 27" iMacs still have user-upgradable RAM. To do anything with the HDD you need to remove the LCD display from the body, not for the squeamish. IFixIT has a pictorial breakdown of the 27" iMac and sells a kit with replacement double-sided tape to seal your iMac back up.

I have my remote access set up so I can log in with my 1920x1080 screen size at work and don't have to scale it to fit. Now I can have my work desktop up and still see my desktop and other Mac windows.

mperdue, are you running the default screen size or the "full res" size? I'm thinking about switching to the Native resolution, but I don't know if I would want the smaller icons and text size.
I'm running the default display settings. It seems to display the photos I edit at full resolution while scaling the icons and text to make them appear about the same size they were on my previous 27" iMac.

iMac 5K.JPG
That's a bit too big for my Shuttle stack (1:200). Awesome!
If anyone is interested, in addition to editing my photos I also use this machine to design parts for models that I build. I'm currently building a 1:70 scale Mobile Launch Pad for my Saturn V model. Here's the recently completed crawler that it will all sit on.

That is awesome. I can't wait to see the whole thing. You must post photos!!
Thanks guys, here are a couple more. These are the mobile Launch Platform, the hold-downs for the Saturn V and the early sections of the tower. The MLP is the last two photos is being replaced by the one in the first due to structural issues.

10873646_10202554126129187_3806197509871750406_o.jpg Tower2.JPG Tower.JPG
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Reviving an older thread to add one more comment. After using this machine for almost two months I can easily say it it the best system I've ever had. The system's speed and graphics quality are outstanding. I consider it money well spent.
I've been using mine, mostly for managing my photos and accessing my desktop at work for remote support. Since I got it mostly to support Yosemite so I could keep up to date (my Mac Pro couldn't go past Lion) I really like being able to have a 1920x1080 Windows session and still have room around it for other information. And I'm Folding @ Home, even though I said I wouldn't keep it up for long. Points Monger, that's what I am!

The only downside is I used to put my feet up on the Mac Pro since it was on the floor. And the iMac doesn't generate anywhere near the heat the Mac Pro did, so it was chillier in the bedroom during the winter months than it has been over the past eight years...
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I've been using mine, mostly for managing my photos and accessing my desktop at work for remote support. Since I got it mostly to support Yosemite so I could keep up to date (my Mac Pro couldn't go past Lion) I really like being able to have a 1920x1080 Windows session and still have room around it for other information. And I'm Folding @ Home, even though I said I wouldn't keep it up for long. Points Monger, that's what I am!

The only downside is I used to put my feet up on the Mac Pro since it was on the floor. And the iMac doesn't generate anywhere near the heat the Mac Pro did, so it was chillier in the bedroom during the winter months than it has been over the past eight years...

Windows session?


I know what you mean about heat. My macbook air keeps me warm all winter. And when I go from the living room where it is on my lap, to the kitchen, where I don't have it, I often feel cold! ;)
I still have one device driver that only runs in windows so I have to keep it on my system with parallels to use the device. Hopefully this will be the year they release a Mac driver.
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