If your a D* CSR you must read:

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maogdamian said:
Well technically dtv reps don't have access to that. They only broadcast what is allowed. Directv does not set rules or regs. By questioning and requesting what you did is basically arguing. There a TV provider not the NHL. Granted it was rude for that sup to say that and hang up. But your asking the wrong people. :)

Actually I did contact the NHL, they said I should be receiving the games.
Then I called MSG, they said that they have no idea why Directv is quoting some of the things they are quoting because most weren't true. The rules and regs have been set by the NHL and what I was asking for from Directv is a copy of the info they are quoting customers so that I can see the source. Somebody is lying to me and all fingers are pointing back at D*. Besides somebody at D* has a copy of the blackout rules or D* wouldn't be able to enforce them.
DTV TiVo Dealer said:
Just a little off subject, but I often wondered why CE Chains don't school their specialty department staff better. You would think the senior management and or department managers could do a better job of training.

I often dropped into Sears in the 12-18 months before I finally got my HD set. I wouldn't have bought anything there, but I live in a rural area and they had the best selection. Plus they actually had HD sources on most of their sets, unlike the discount chains.

Here are my two favorite exchanges.
(sometime in 2004)

SALESGUY: "In the market for a new TV?"

ME (watching HDNET): "Sometime next year...I just came to check out the DLPs and see how the prices are coming down."

SALESGUY: "Well, you should buy now, because High Definition is coming out soon."

ME (still watching HDNET) : "Thanks for the warning. I'll keep an eye out for it."
(sometime this summer)

SALESGUY: "In the market for a new TV?"

ME (watching and pointing to an promo loop for VOOM on DISH.): "Yeah, I think I'm finally ready, now that the VOOM channels are out on DISH Network. I hear they might be coming to DirecTV too."

SALESGUY: "We stopped selling VOOM, they went out of business."

You'd think with those never ending loops 8 hours a day, SOME of the info would sink in.
HAHAHAHAHA....Oh my goodness! That was a great (and sad) read. I needed a laugh this morning. It's rather disheartening to know there are salesmen out there with the I.Q. of a raisin.

I usually go to Ultimate Electronics for major purchases, their sales staff actually knows what DLP, HDMI, DVI, and Y Pb Pr means.
Beavis said:
I'm sure CSR's are also fed up with the BS that installers tell customers. Most notably, I've heard one installer tell someone that they'd get Milwaukee locals, when they were in the Madison DMA. It does go both ways though.

Oh Christ, you have no clue. I had a call today in which the installer had told the customer that he would get Premier, the NFL S.T., Superfan, and the HD Package all for $29.99 mo - without mirroring fees of any sort.

Retailers, Telcos and Installers are all hated by CSRs :mad:
Oh Christ, you have no clue. I had a call today in which the installer had told the customer that he would get Premier, the NFL S.T., Superfan, and the HD Package all for $29.99 mo - without mirroring fees of any sort.

Careful there chief. Just like Beavis said, it goes both ways. We had an escalation and a repeat service call put in this morning because a CSR told the cust that the technician would go back to there house and hook up a DVD and VCR that was not present at the time of the install. When our technician informed the customer that there would be custom work charges for that, customer escalated and ANOTHER CSR decided they would schedule a priority service call for the same exact thing. 2 repeats and an escalation, and not one of them had anything to do with the sub's service. We got just as much dirt on you as you have on us.

Let's all agree that Qwest reps selling DTV service are worse than any of us. How many times have one of my installers gone out to a customers' house and the customer cancels because they didn't realize that a it would be necessary to install a dish... "I thought it was some sort of wireless...".
In a way, I guess it is...
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