If you HAD to use a 1.8m or 6 foot dish...

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Alright. Y'all Pray, Make offerings to the Sun God, Pray to your favorite Idol. Rub your Budda's belly even.
I placed an ad on Craig's list for a 4 to 6 foot dish, I got a reply...man says he has one, right here in Slidell. Left his phone # even.

Stay Tuned. :yes
SIGH...he sent a pic...

Its a 10 foot mesh. :(

Looks well made too.

But 10 foot is a nogo. :(


Should I go get it for the mount?


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Grab the dish, I know your wife don't want a 10 foot but maybe down the road after you condition her with a smaller dish she may allow you to put it up someday. :D
I got it. it is a raydx 10.5 foot reflector. One mesh panel is missing and a few panels are dented up pretty badly. However it has a very beefy mount on it with all stainless steel hardware. Actuator was included...its rusted up but you never know.
Also got the old reciever and dish positioner. the receiver is a Uniden 5000 UST, this was before descramblers, obviously. The dish positioner box is a PenTec MTI 2800A.
I have ALL of the literature, manuals and even the install receipt. I have a lot of vintage literature of the available positioners, receivers of the era, too. Cool stuff!:)

Original Price? 2495.00 :eek:

They were ESTATIC to be rid of it.

...and she already said NO. :) Find a smaller dish. :cool:
She did help me get it off the trailer, though. :up
well the one i thought was a 6 fter is 7 1/2 ft but i still got it will have to pick it up later this week, i still know where two smaller ones are .... will go check on those....
well the one i thought was a 6 fter is 7 1/2 ft but i still got it will have to pick it up later this week, i still know where two smaller ones are .... will go check on those....

Whatcha gonna do with all those dishes? :confused:

I took the 10 footer apart today....got the mount off of it...it wasn't very 'parabolic'...it was pretty bent up when I looked at it closely, Katrina did a number on it..but I got a lot of stainless hardware off of it, and I'll scrap the rest...

I took the actuator apart, kinda. I took the motor apart and it was full of powder of some sort. Now I can't figure out how to get it back together...has some spring loaded contacts that I cannot hold and put the motor back on at the same time...I futzed with it for an hour before giving up...I might make a redneck actuator out of it...:)
well i have space (10 acers) :up , i'm fixing them and pointing at certain sat for stationary dishes :eureka , then i can disqce them together and have lots of channels at the same time lol no waiting on the dish to move to the satellite. some i will have that will use the motor and others will be stationary , but i will tell anyone here to find them a couple of dishes cause, soon people will feel like selling these for scrap :( and then none will be left :eek: . i'm hunting mine now plus these no limit yet :D :hungry: :hungry:

happy hunting :)
Went dish hunting today...slim pickings close to the house here....found two 10 footers all askew, bent and mesh panels missing, one good 10 footer 15 feet in the air.

I came across what I think is an 8 footer, but the guy there said he still used it on occasion. I think he might have been lying...it had two mesh panels missing, feed cover all askew blocking the feedhorn, big dent in the edge of the reflector itself. The dead giveaway was the pole was at about a 80 degree angle. I don't think he was watching much TV on it, you know? :rolleyes: He had me leave my number with him....he wanted something for it....In the shape it was in I didn't figure it was worth much...would took quite a bit of work to put back together...so I didn't offer anything.

But he did tell me it was ALL-DIGITAL... :D

I spent about 15 bucks in gas today riding around...so I think tomorrow I will put an ad in the paper.

OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Yesterday I found a 12 foot Paraclipse. She said NO out loud...I burst out laughing... :):D:cool:
man to have a 12 fter :) was the Paraclipse in good shape ? hmmmm

Looked real good from the distance I looked..about 100 feet. Its been there for years.... Ya want I should check..wonder how much it would cost to ship a disassembled paraclipse 12 footer from me to you....:)

Find me a 7.5, take it apart so it will fit in my suv...I'll get the paraclipse, take it apart, put in in there...I'll meet you in Jackson, Mississippi and we'll swap....:cool:

Heck for all I know the guy might still be using it....:confused:
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lol you could be right lol still in use , seen a few of those no feedhorn but still using it :) lol

the meet part might be doable.... will have to find a 7 1/2 fter i have one thats almost in mint shape ( one with a slight bend in the lnb support arm). and the other 7 1/2 fter is in bad shape hope to fix er up to make a stationary dish out of it for c band only.

i usually transport them in one piece lol so i would have to look at dissassembly lol :D
That ten foot raydx I just took apart was easy to take apart. I put it face-up on my sawhorses in front of my shed, fixed me a nice cool glass of iced tea, put my 1941-vintage whole-house-style fan blowing on me, broke out the air ratchet, and it was in pieces on the floor in 30 minutes.

Depending on how it comes apart I don't know if even knocked down the paraclipse would fit in my little suv so I don't know if it would even be doable.

And I don't think I wanna go flying up interstate 55 north to Jackson with a 12 foot dish strapped to my 5 X10 utility trailer...:)
strap it on the suv like an unbrella :D just kidding....... well you will be the one with the tape measure.....

I checked on the Paraclipse. Its a 10 footer, and its about 10 feet in the air, NO WAY I could get it down by myself. It would need to be re-meshed, plus the pieces would be too big to fit in my little SUV if I knocked it down. So I think we're out of luck on our little swap idea. :(

I found a KTI 7.5 Mesh, its about 15 feet in the air too. I don't know HOW those guys put them up...because I cannot figure out how to take it down without a bucket truck...LOL...no one was home though so I left a nice note in the door, maybe they'll call back.

I also found a 1m P*, 20 feet in the air on a pole....to clear some trees I guess...if it would have been lower I would have asked for that one...but I HATE ladders and heights...:D
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