If you don't like what VOOM provides, why are you still whinning about it?

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squicken said:
For this, a Ken H style of thread cleaning may have to be initiated.
Nooooooooooooo, please dont take free speech away and start ridiculing the newbies.

squicken said:
BTW, I love everyone here. I also watched Places in the Heart earlier and felt compelled to tell you all this. I also love cheese. And Batman. And barley. And . . .
Ok thats getting a little too touchy feely for me.
Sean Mota said:
As much as I appreciate ChetK's initiative about the tyson vs william boxing fight and the bumping up the resolution, let me just say that before this fight VOOM had televised two other fights and VOOMers who had been with VOOM for those two previous fights can testify that there was never a problem with those either. It is not like this was something new to them. Those fights were also awesome.
I agree. The PQ of the other fights was awesome..They were longer too. And tatas at ringside.
vurbano said:
Nooooooooooooo, please dont take free speech away and start ridiculing the newbies.


vurb, moderating a private forum is not taking away free speech from you and certainly is not about ridiculing newbies. Sean is right, and I support his decision. I am all for constructive discussions and exchanging good and bad experiences with Voom. I am sure that Sean and other mods will use their prerogatives conservatively and justly. Only whiners and professional malcontents should be afraid. :)
vurbano said:
Nooooooooooooo, please dont take free speech away and start ridiculing the newbie.
I was just talking about the way he keeps threads in their appropriate place and keeps things on topic. His personality disorder is something I also don't want around here. Maybe he was driven to his current state by "whiners and professional malcontents."

BTW, I think we need some full disclosure around here from some of the more vocal critics and supporters. Who's getting free programming right now? Who has just canceled and gone to another provider but stays to bad mouth Voom? Who's beta testing the DVR or other nice things? As I stated in another forum, if Voom gave me a DVR I'd be all over this thread saying how great they are.

For me, I've received an antenna upgrade and 2 months (June and July were free) of free programming since I've been with Voom. I called to cancel a couple months back, and they gave it to me. Given the credits I've been given, I feel I owe it to Voom to stick around until October. But I don't feel obligated to tell people to sign up, especially at $200 and still have to pay rental equipment.
squicken said:
BTW, I think we need some full disclosure around here from some of the more vocal critics and supporters. Who's getting free programming right now? Who has just canceled and gone to another provider but stays to bad mouth Voom? Who's beta testing the DVR or other nice things?

Usually, beta testers sign a nondisclosure agreement so no; I will not tell you what nice things from Voom I am beta testing. :)

squicken said:
As I stated in another forum, if Voom gave me a DVR I'd be all over this thread saying how great they are.

That's why you should never be asked to beta test anything. You are willing to lie if you get free stuff. :)
I'm not getting anything for free from VOOM, but I sure am tired of the whining on this forum. When I don't like what I'm getting from VOOM, I'll cancel and move on; simple as that. I don't understand the need to complain endlessly without cancelling, nor do I understand the need to self-aggrandize with an "I'm dumping VOOM" thread. So I would applaud any attempt to cut it back a little.
Sean Mota said:
There's seem to be some people here that have made it their agenda to whine about everything that has the VOOM logo. After a while, you start wondering if there's a hidden agenda behind all the negative posts.

Shouldn't be simple as: "If you don't like it, get out" -- I mean VOOM did not tie you up to a contract. If you don't want to put up with it, the answer is very simple --- disconnect and be done with it. Don't hang around and become the everlasting "I hate VOOM" user. It has been revealed that 80%+ of those coming to this board are OK with VOOM. and only about probably 10% are unhappy and probably 10% already left.

So I ask again if you are so unhappy why are you still paying the VOOM bill and hanging around here... Vote with your wallet and be counted...

That is so wrong. It is like Bush telling us that if we don't support and vote for him, we are not patriots and true Americans.
Shouldn't reasonable criticism force Voom to give us its best and in turn even make it more competitive? Therefore, the PQ and negative threads which it produces, are Voom's problem and only Voom can do something about it but they choose not to.
Do you expect me to come here every single day and write "how Voom is the best HD source on planet"? Come on, man. Most people come here in a search for solution for their problems with Voom (and other DBSs) any many times, thanks to this forum, they find it. There is plenty of critics on DirecTV and Dish forums as well and no one has problem with it.
I criticize the PQ since my very first post but I still think Voom is currently the best HD (and even SD) choice and that is why I'll stay with Voom until there is no better choice available. Solution for negative rumor about Voom is simple: They should (and they can) improve its service in some areas and negative threads will automatically go away.
voomvoom said:
but, I have a pamplet that states, just under the Voom logo:
*the best picture, period
*the most HD movies
*the most premium channels in HD
*the best cable networks
*the best sound quality
*the most advanced TV satellite
*the best in-home experience

Well duh! It's called advertising. Say after me a-d-v-e-r-t-i-s-i-n-g.

What did you expect them to say as a competitor:

- The picture is on par with all the other providers

- The most HD movies but many are re-runs

- The most premium HD channels but programming limited

- The best cable channels which we were forced to provide

- The best sound quality but were working on drop-outs and volume variances

- The most advanced satellite but were working continually on glitches

- The best in-home experience but our CSR's are generally imcompetent

Vooming since March and still loving it despite some growing pains and corporate policies at voom which beg to be addressed. I still see the cup as half-full rather than half-empty.
Conjuror said:
That is so wrong. It is like Bush telling us that if we don't support and vote for him, we are not patriots and true Americans.
Shouldn't reasonable criticism force Voom to give us its best and in turn even make it more competitive? Therefore, the PQ and negative threads which it produces, are Voom's problem and only Voom can do something about it but they choose not to.
Do you expect me to come here every single day and write "how Voom is the best HD source on planet"? Come on, man. Most people come here in a search for solution for their problems with Voom (and other DBSs) any many times, thanks to this forum, they find it. There is plenty of critics on DirecTV and Dish forums as well and no one has problem with it.
I criticize the PQ since my very first post but I still think Voom is currently the best HD (and even SD) choice and that is why I'll stay with Voom until there is no better choice available. Solution for negative rumor about Voom is simple: They should (and they can) improve its service in some areas and negative threads will automatically go away.

As I said before I am not against any negative posting or criticism that anyone may have. I am against the same posting all over the forum and many times postings that do not have anything to do with the main topic at hand and add very little to the discussion. So anynoe may post anything on a specific thread that deals with that issue but if the same posts are found in other threads that had very little to do with the topic at hand, they will be dealt accordingly and without warning.
Sean Mota said:
As I said before I am not against any negative posting or criticism that anyone may have. I am against the same posting all over the forum and many times postings that do not have anything to do with the main topic at hand and add very little to the discussion. So anynoe may post anything on a specific thread that deals with that issue but if the same posts are found in other threads that had very little to do with the topic at hand, they will be dealt accordingly and without warning.
Ata boy Sean-take a stand me boy!! :yes
andrzej said:
Usually, beta testers sign a nondisclosure agreement so no; I will not tell you what nice things from Voom I am beta testing. : )
But that's the point. People who aren't beta testing can tell us they aren't. Only those that are can say nothing. I think there are some people who have axes to grind with Voom b/c of Voom's 4-6 months refund policy, bad CSRs, and Installs Inc. nightmares. I've never believed in professional malcontents unless you count satellite dealers.

andrzej said:
That's why you should never be asked to beta test anything. You are willing to lie if you get free stuff. :)
You're right. So would would a lot of people. And even those who wouldn't lie certainly might see things through rose-colored glasses. My whole point is that there are obviously some people who hate Voom, but we know who they are b/c posts in the past. They're "out in the open" so to speak. We know who hates Voom and will bad-mouth them forever b/c of their horror stories.

But those that have been "captured" by Voom are not "in the open." It's harder to tell who really enjoys their service and who has been co-opted. I don't know if you've ever been on some of the AVS equipment forums. Every once in awhile someone with some affiliation (designer, tech., CSR), will join a discussion to help the customers out with problems. But occasionally (PR firm) they'll cross the line and say how great the product is. These posts are met with derision b/c the poster, who may be speaking genuinely, has lost all credibility b/c they're owned by the equipment manufacturer.

I'm certainly not one of the headline complainers, but I'm one of them. My point is that I want to know who is being genuine and who has ulterior motives.
Eric_C said:
no one complains, no one will fix it.... So whenever I get the chance, I'll remind them, and everyone else, that they are doing it.
A distinction that is being attempted in this thread is between objectively and constructively identifying issues versus vacuously and endlessly complaining about an issue. For example, an issue could be reported like this:

"I have seen aliasing artifacts on certain HD channels."

versus an insipid whining sniveller whom might post and repost the same sentiment in several unrelated messages this way:

"VOOM sucks, the PQ is worse than if I covered my screen with Vaseline and watched it through a screen door. And where the hell is the Sci-Fi channel and VOOM can't survive without the RSN's and did I forget to mention that the CSR's are idiots?"

One is civil, constructive criticism which will generate a lively discussion and the other is worthless repetitive drivel. I'm for maximizing the friendly focused discussions on issues and for minimizing the juvenile mindless redundant bloviating.
RE: Refunds; I don't know how many of you remember the "good ol days" with Dish? They would NEVER give a refund if you stopped service and had a balance, they would keep it in your account until such time you decided to reactivate, then they would charge a $25 fee unless you paid them an extortion fee of $5/month to let your account sit idol.

Voom may be having accounting problems and are slow to pay, but at least they do pay. I believe Dish does now, as well.
Wow, this would be wonderful if you are willing to take the time to do it Sean! Maybe create a sticky thread called something like 'Voom - Pros' and one called 'Voom - Cons'. In the 'Pros' one, everyone can make posts and list what they like about Voom. In the Cons one, post what they don't like about Voom. Each time they come up with something new to either praise or complain about Voom, just add something else. That way, there are two threads for folks to quickly see what others are saying positive and negative about Voom without having to go through each and every thread seeing the same stuff complaind and praised about everywhere. Sean or some other moderator can have a summary of everything as the first post in the thread and update it when new suggestions are made and more importantly as things are (hopefully) addressed by Voom. For example, put the 'mosquito noise' issue in the cons thread, and be done with discussing it in other threads. I do agree it's an issue and want to see it addressed, but I don't want to hear about it every day. It's bad enough I have to see it everyday! ;)

Then once a month or so, email some kind of summary of these threads to the execs at Voom until they do something about the cons. Everyone has a chance to win. Once again, I think it's important for Voom to know what we are complaining about. But don't whine about it over and over again to those on this forum who can't really do anything about it.
subdude212 said:
A distinction that is being attempted in this thread is between objectively and constructively identifying issues versus vacuously and endlessly complaining about an issue. For example, an issue could be reported like this:

"I have seen aliasing artifacts on certain HD channels."

versus an insipid whining sniveller whom might post and repost the same sentiment in several unrelated messages this way:

"VOOM sucks, the PQ is worse than if I covered my screen with Vaseline and watched it through a screen door. And where the hell is the Sci-Fi channel and VOOM can't survive without the RSN's and did I forget to mention that the CSR's are idiots?"

One is civil, constructive criticism which will generate a lively discussion and the other is worthless repetitive drivel. I'm for maximizing the friendly focused discussions on issues and for minimizing the juvenile mindless redundant bloviating.
Bingo! Well said.
I have been a Voom subscriber since March 10. I have praised Voom as well as slammed them when I felt it was due. I feel that positive comments as well as negative comments should be left to help people, to light a fire under Voom to do something, and to help potential customers make a decision about Voom.
To all of you people that don't want to hear negative comments or whining, tough! If you don't want to read it, then don't. Your whining in this thread is just as bad. And Sean, I can't help but feel that this step your are taking to censor the forum is just the begining. Before long there won't be any negative posts about Voom because they won't be allowed.
I had install nightmares. I have dealt with the buggy Motorola box. Numerous CSR problems. Picture quality worse than a DVD. And the latest a billing fiasco. I was charged 5 times for service in July. Completely unacceptable. I talked with CSR's until I was hoarse. I emailed Wilt and nothing was done. I was told my case would be escalated and I would be called back in 48 hours. Well it's been 3 weeks and I still haven't heard back. How did I solve it? By canceling my credit card and disputing the charges. Now when Voom wants to bill me they will have to send me a paper bill. Through it all I still have faith in Voom. I want them to work their problems out and deliver on what we have been promised. Am I going to shut up? No way! Not until Voom fixes their endless string of screwups. As for scaring away potential customers, GOOD! These potential customers need to know about these problems. And if it affects Vooms bottom line than maybe that's what it takes for them to get their act together.
I will not hijack any threads but I am not going away either. And like I said if you people don't like my whining, don't read it!

Well said, you and I have had almost the same problem and I've read many posts from you with praise for Voom.

When I praised Voom and said I never had the micro-stutters "they" said I worked for Voom. When I complained (how dare I!) "they" said I worked for DirecTV. I work for neither. I have both services (and pay) so it's easy to compare.

Sean means well and seems to me to be having a crappy week/weekend. He is VERY knowlagable about Voom (and DTV and Dish) but i just think the censorship idea is misguided.
I get the impression the "whining" comments are directed at a few who are always negative to VOOM, not the majority of us who realize that VOOM is the best HD solution currently available, but not necessarily the HD solution we wish we had (lots of room for improvement). I've got plenty bad to say about VOOM, but am still a subscriber.
Btw, I don't think it's totally out of line to say *some* stuff on Voom look worse than DVD. I was watching a DVD last night, and the whole time I was thinking man this looks a lot better than a lot of Cinema10 movies I've seen or surfed by lately. A lot of Cinema10 movies look so soft, dim, grainy, and murky it makes you wonder if the DVD of the same can be much worse. I mean sure, if you have the DVD of the same thing and switch back and forth, maybe you can see Voom has more details, but resolution isn't all to PQ. There's color saturation, good contrast, but rate relative to picture size, interlaced vs progressive, etc. Add the cropping and HD sometimes is only marginally better or even worse than DVD.

Look at it this way: if you have to put Charlize Theron and Paris Hilton side by side to see that CT is better looking, it doesn't speak well for Charlize :)
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Should Voom get rid of or replace the following channels?

Bad Press (where all of anger at Voom is coming from?)

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