I need info on new hopper plus

So sad! My Hopper Plus decided to crash during prime time. I was 20 minutes in a show not rewinding or anything. I am on my third full power cycle (unplugged for a full minute) I am unable to see live TV it shows no tuners being used or available. I am highly thinking about just unplugging the Plus and go back to my Hopper 3 and 40.0 remote. Thankfully I subscribe to Paramount+ and others so I can watch my missed shows.
4th time and its back on :-(
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That's the Dish network way. I can remember basically being beta testers for the DVR 921, the ViP722, and the Hopper. The sling add-on. The HopperGo. The PocketDish. The list goes on and on. I used to enjoy being an early adopter to their tech, but now I just want things that works. The truth is, I don't want my wife getting pissed of because our tech is bugging out!

The 721 was a great device! I loved all five (or was it six?) that came thru my house! Darned power supplies…
The PocketDish.
Oh wow. Wasn't it 4:3 SD? What receivers did that work with? Dish 625?

I bought a 404CC which was an amazing device for the time. It was made by the same French company that made the PocketDish. I'll be darned if I can remember the name of that company.
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Oh wow. Wasn't it 4:3 SD? What receivers did that work with? Dish 625?

I bought a 404CC which was an amazing device for the time. It was made by the same French company that made the PocketDish. I'll be darned if I can remember the name of that company.

The one I had was 16:9. It was made by Archos. I think they had a similar model not affiliated with Dish. I believe my model was the 500E. I bet if I spent a day looking for it, I could find it in storage somewhere! I believe I was using it with the ViP 622. Not 100% sure though.
The one I had was 16:9. It was made by Archos.
Yup; that was the name! Thanks. I had an Archos 404CC (for camcorder). I seem to remember the PocketDish being 4:3.


Aha! SG search comes through!

PLEASE HELP, dvr 625 freezes when transferring to pocketdish av700e
The 721 was a great device! I loved all five (or was it six?) that came thru my house! Darned power supplies…
WE had 3 721s at one time in our 3 rooms and you never knew when it would decide to go nuts, crash and delete everything on your hard drive. My son was one or two years old when we first got one. I often would leave him in front of the tv in his room and put him in his carrier, so he could sit up. You used to be able to select the shows you wanted to play in order. Kind of like autoplay now. I would set him up with Blue's Clues or Barney, Elmo episodes and he would sit in there and enjoy himself while I did stuff in the kitchen. I took care him on my off days while my wife worked in the house and vice a versa. One day I heard this screaming coming from his room. I ran down there to see and he was pointing at the tv and it was showing static. I looked at the receiver and it showed the hard drive had crashed and there were NO episodes any longer. The rest of the day I had to sit there till nap time watching live tv shows he watched. When the receiver worked it was great ,but when the hard drive crashed it was horrible.:confused:
I feel really dum asking this one, but I was watching the Waltons on SD and sadly in this stretched out letterbox format. I went to change the format on the new 54.0 remote then tried the 40.0 and finally my Logitech Elite and it seems this is yet again another function removed or am I missing something?
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I continue to have many settings changed to default each night's power cycle. Does the Hopper have a memory battery or flash memory? Anyone else notice this?
I should have listed a few
  • DVR schedule it turns on conflicted and skipped
  • Remote recall button changes to tune and show
  • Notifications MOCA, Caller ID and TV enhancement turn off
I feel really dum asking this one, but I was watching the Waltons on SD and sadly in this stretched out letterbox format. I went to change the format on the new 54.0 remote then tried the 40.0 and finally my Logitech Elite and it seems this is yet again another function removed or am I missing something?

Options, display format

Red button, display format.