I HATE Google Assistant

Voice search doesn't work on the SCI show Unearthed. It finds a movie and a show about mushrooms but not the archeology series.
How do you even search for it?? I tried 10 times and it kept coming up "On Earth" so I ended up just typing it in
I like the addition of Google Assistant..

Conversely, I ask Alexa some basic questions about sports stats and standings and she is oblivious sometimes.

Google Assistant has a better database and answers most of my questions and pops up cool visuals on the TV.
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. . . Conversely, I ask Alexa some basic questions about sports stats and standings and she is oblivious sometimes.

Alexa went stupid at Christmas (2018) last year when Amazon over sold their systems capability. When all those new purchases from newly opened territories in New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Europe and the UK went online Christmas day their servers crashed under the vast numbers and have never been the same since. And it doesn't look like it'll be anytime soon or maybe even ever that they get back to the way it was this time last year. The Techs and Engineers play dumb when asked about it.

A friend bought a whole bunch of Gen1 Dots and gave me one this time last year. It was so amazing, there wasn't much of anything she couldn't do and any questions she couldn't answer and the third party integrations that were already in place and just waiting meshed into my HA flawlessly. That I upgraded the Dot to a Echo Gen2 and bought 7 more Echo Gen2s. Guess I didn't help the overload issues either.

Now that she's gotten SO dumb when we have long ridiculous conversations that usually don't end up well for her, I get eMails from her keepers on the Mothership asking that I quit harassing and cussing at her. Now that I am getting GA set up on the H3 to be able to run my HA and we're learning her Boolean Speak to get the answers we are looking for, I'm tempted to send back all the Echos and get GAs. But then the GA only has access to her, yes it's a she and I have given her the British Female voice, I usually go for the Aussie, but theirs isn't that good, somewhat finite world. Can't do the voices with Alexa unless you change your location that causes all kinds of issues. But Alexa has her fingers deeper into IoT things that I need . . . for now. I have both on my Tablet and once at the Office/Pub I was able to get the two of them to have a conversation and it was hilarious. Haven't been able to do it again since. I think I ruined a good relationship . . .
Alexa went stupid at Christmas (2018) last year when Amazon over sold their systems capability. When all those new purchases from newly opened territories in New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Europe and the UK went online Christmas day their servers crashed under the vast numbers and have never been the same since. And it doesn't look like it'll be anytime soon or maybe even ever that they get back to the way it was this time last year. The Techs and Engineers play dumb when asked about it.
Mine have gone dumb too. I thought it was maybe some privacy issue they were trying to address. Thanks for a better explanation.
I like the addition of Google Assistant..

Conversely, I ask Alexa some basic questions about sports stats and standings and she is oblivious sometimes.

Google Assistant has a better database and answers most of my questions and pops up cool visuals on the TV.
That's what I have a phone and an iPad for...I'm all for convergence of tech but when they break something (Voice search) just to allow some poorly implemented "gee whiz" marketing hype for Google, that's a problem for me.
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That's what I have a phone and an iPad for...I'm all for convergence of tech but when they break something (Voice search) just to allow some poorly implemented "gee whiz" marketing hype for Google, that's a problem for me.
This exactly. I'm actually not for convergence as it will inevitably lead to laziness and poor performance. Google assistant has been 2 steps forward 2 steps back since day one. Google just can't help themselves but to fix things until they break.
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This exactly. I'm actually not for convergence as it will inevitably lead to laziness and poor performance.
That's what my Dad said about remote controls, or "Clickers". BTW, Google Assistant has come a very long way and what it's capabilities are, are both extremely intuitive and amazing and yet, very intrusive at the same time.
Another failure, try searching for "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Every variation I tried either gave me I can't do that or generic Google search about Charlie Brown.

GA fails about half the time, it's literally worthless. Worse than worthless because a working system was replaced with a broken system.
Another failure, try searching for "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Every variation I tried either gave me I can't do that or generic Google search about Charlie Brown.

GA fails about half the time, it's literally worthless. Worse than worthless because a working system was replaced with a broken system.
Mine said it can't find it on Dish, which may mean it's not schedule to air in the next 9 days, but it gave me the generic and YT results
I searched GA for "PAC 12 championship game." I get a result for a show called blazers raw, whatever that is. Something about the Portland Trailblazers. Anyway, the PAC 12 game is on ABC tomorrow night and is listed in the program guide as 'PAC 12 Football Championship' So I ask GA "PAC 12 Football Championship" and all I get is a full screen Wikipedia page about the PAC 12 championship game.
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Dish bought a pig in a poke from Google. Next they'll want to make it part of the Google home crap.
OK, first off, it's still new so it has bugs, like everything that's new. Second, I'm, not a fan of it, but home connectivity is the future. That's just how it is. It's not a "pig in a poke", it's where the world is headed. And Google is the primary developer of home connectivity.

The only reason I'm not a fan is because of how intrusive it is to our privacy, but as far as the technology, it's pretty nice. And it's already p;art of the Google Home "crap"
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Everybody knows new things can be buggy, but Dish should have made sure the thing can at least search 9 days of program guide info before dumping it on us.
Everybody knows new things can be buggy, but Dish should have made sure the thing can at least search 9 days of program guide info before dumping it on us.
Mine hasn't given me any problems, but I don't look for PAC 12 game, I search for one of the teams that are playing. I searched for Utah Football. It came up with links to all the Utah sports, I clicked on Football, it showed me tonight's game. Then I did the same thing with Oregon

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