I got my Bingo cards today!!!!

Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
Well..went to the mailbox and, what do I see, my copy of Dish Flicks (thanks to Club Dish) and who is on the front...

The Bingo people!

and inside are my 3 bingo cards, and a poster of Centerfold Ashley........nah, just kidding on that one (sorry to get your hopes up Rolltide) :haha

I am so excited...I can play Bingo now!! :rolleyes:
Ashley came over to my house and handed me more than just the bingo cards :)
I'm sure there's something in your hand but I don't believe that Ashley put it there....:neener:neener:p:shh

Rolltide :heart Ashley :love

Are you sending her anything for Valentine's Day? :D
Tonight is the l last Bingo Beta Test. I doubt I will be able to see tonights show since tonight the Bingo Blackout rules are in effect and Connecticut is one of the areas where BingoTV is void (I don't know why though, it's not a lottery since there is nothing to buy)

BTW I think Ashley is the Daughter of Echostar's Own Leslie Harper. I don't have that confirmed but they both look A LOT alike.

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