So, I took my S10 to my folks house today and we did a little surgery on it.
Dad took a little bitty fan off of and old computer board, he cut a hole in the cover of the S10 and bolted the little fan in.
There was a thing on the back that said 12v. He got power from that for the fan.
There were a few items in there that I took the liberty to deem "useless power vampires".
There was a thing for a card slot, I guess a smart card. I saw no reason to leave in there so we removed it. It came out with two screws and a little cable to unplug.
The other thing was a ethernet board. Since the machine only uses it for pirate stuff, we plucked it out too. Besides, the fan needed as much space as it could get.
Dad cut off the power cord and built a whole new one from an old PC cord. This one has a ground on it, the other one did not and this one is for OUR power outlets.
So much for the warranty, yes?
Now it runs cool to the touch. Before you could fry eggs on it.
This helps but the clock is still an issue...
It's a shame they couldn't just do this from the git-go....
Oh well. Forward!