So can you explain this from start to end? You plug the phone line in and then the phones in the home go dead? Or what after someone calls and caller ID is displayed, then the Hopper never releases the line? If thats the case, if you unplug and reconnect the phone line then does it release the line?
I get up early so on a couple of mornings when I got up around 04:00 I noticed the phone on my nite stand red "Line in use" lite was blinking which is an indication someone is on the phone line. I pick up the handset and listen and it is dead, no sound. When I hang up the phone the red lite goes out. I pick it up again to listen and there is a dial tone. It is as if picking up the handset resets the phone system to whatever issue that was going on. We hardly use our phones or receive any phone calls. We use our cell phones for out bound calls and everyone calls us on the cell. So it is not a big deal to us, but I can see that this could be a big issue for some folks. Since I am noticing this phone issue so early in the mornings I am thinking maybe it has something to do with the Hoppers updating. What is the exact procedure when the Hoppers update in the early morning hours? Is the phone involved for the procedure or is it thru the internet and/or the satellites? With multiple Hoppers, do they all update at the same time or does one at a time update?