Hi There
i don't know this web site too well so kinda new to me.. long time ago possibly when hughesnet was called direcway we had dial-up and everyone knows that is junk.. so we called around looking for an available internet connection so we have internet well we heard about this so called hughesnet and also seen there commercials so we called them up and they came and installed it... few days later it moves very very super slow for some reason and we had no idea that we went over our FAP so we called them up about it (toke long hours) so ever since then up till this day we watch our download allowance every single day and every minute.. Lately i have noticed that our hughesnet has been acting weird all the sudden (not normal) so i checked speedtest.net and seen that we can't download of any kbs nor bytes??? before that we had a problem with the web browsing and speed one night, slown way down to a complete stop almost..
Like to tell you more, so i will give u my skype: diablo_slayer92 hope you get this and thank you