Hughes DVR80 failure

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
May 19, 2004
Puyallup, WA
I recently purchased a Hughes DVR80 from Best Buy (a week ago), and last night it failed. Two day ago, I noticed that the menus were slow when bringing them up, and I could hear the hard drive seeking :eek: . Last night, while watching a movie I had recorded, it froze up. No buttons worked. After waiting for 30 minutes, I had no choice but to remove power. The DVR does not get past the "Powering up" stage. :no I'm taking it back for an exchange today. Has anyone else had this problem with the Hughes DVR80, or is it just a fluke? :confused:
kryten98371, I had the same box, bought it from the same place and my first one was bad right out of the box with the same symptoms you described. Swapped it same day and the new one works fine! My Bro-in-law has one too and he had no problems. As far as I know you and I are the only two to have these failures. Make them give you another one at the store.
I have never had the DVR80 but my neighbor has this one and it has given him no problems. I have an HR10-250, HDVR2 and DVR40 all have operated without failure for me and technically speaking they are the same box. I think you just got unlucky. Also keep in mind that most people come here BECAUSE they are having an issue. FWIW :)
Hughes DVR80

Thanks for all the input. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't replacing one bad unit with another. I'll be going to Best Buy tonight after work and exchanging the unit. :yes

The only bad part about all this is having to talk to customer service. The hold time can be annoying. :p
Replacement Hughes DVR80

Best Buy had no problem replacing the unit.

Now for the bad parts :(

1) Set up the new DVR, and called DirecTV. Selected '0' to talk to customer services. Kept getting busy signal. After 8 attempts, finally got put on hold.
2) Explained to CSR that I had replaced a bad Hughes DVR. Got the new DVR working fine and hung up. Wife came to tell me that the Hughes HTL-HD unit in living room was not working :confused:
3) Had to call DirecTV again (only 4 calls this time). CSR had disabled wrong unit. Took a lot of convincing CSR that I didn't have two DVR's. He was able to remove bad DVR and fix HTL-HD problem.

DirecTV MUST fix their phone problems. I specifically told the CSR that it was the Master Bedroom unit that was replaced, but he assumed it was the Family Room.

Everything is working fine now :)
ahhh, a good ole game of csr bingo... sometimes you win, sometimes you win, but it takes longer... The good thing is that you are up and running. Enjoy your equipment!
I wonder if you could rename the boxes on D* 's website... "remove this box here knucklehead""
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