Thanks for the response to an earlier question and hope someone can help with the following issue, which resides at the edge of (or, better, well beyond) my limited technical knowledge.
I was about to upgrade my entire home theater, including the purchase of a Samsung KS9500 ("DirecTV-ready") TV and Anthem A/V receiver. Then, if memory serves, I was reading posts on a DirecTV tech forum and noted a comment that an individual could not access one or more of the new linear 4k channels when passing the signal through an A/V receiver. Rather, he only could view the channel(s) with the TV directly linked to the HR54 (or perhaps his router) via – presumably – a Cat 5, 6 or 7 cable.
I subsequently spoke with a friend who both served as a cable installer and established a successful computer networking/repair business. He observed the following:
· Despite its recent release, the HR 54 incorporates years-old technology (instanced by HDMI 1.4); thus the need for an RVU TV or C61k client.
· The RVU requirement obviates passing the signal through an A/V receiver connected to the TV with an HDMI cable.
· The only way to overcome this limitation is using the C61k client, which normally would be linked to the HR54 or router with a coax cable and TV via an HDMI cable. In this case, the C61k's HDMI out cable would be tied to the A/V receiver whose HDMI out cable, in turn, would be tied to the TV. He deemed this approach overly complex with too many points of failure.
Today I spoke with a supervisory-level tech at DirecTV. She also was dubious – albeit with considerable hesitancy – about the viability of viewing the new 4k channels while running HR54 output through an A/V receiver to a TV.
So: can someone confirm whether I will be able to see channels 104-106 via a traditional home theater arrangement or, given RVU complications, must I rely on the TV's internal speakers or a sound bar?
Thanks very much in advance (and hope the above verges on coherence)!!