Even if there are other ways to cheat the system that doesn't mean that DIRECTV still won't try and plug potential loopholes this way wherever they can.That is one hell a, stretch!...............What if I shared receivers with my neighbor? Would that not be against there rules? What if I mirrored one of my bedroom receivers?....what id, what if?
Your making excuses for a very , very poorly planned out decision and implementation!
Have to give credit to dish.....Looks as if they thought it through.....quite ingenues?...or common sense? Better engineering?....Less yes men? who know.....
Its obvious Direct dropped the ball right on there own foot!
(BTW, mirroring is not against DIRECTV's TOS since it's not an independent programming outlet, but only a "mirror" or duplication of a receiver's output at another location as long as that location is in the same residence).
And as for making excuses for DIRECTV, I actually have problems with both provider's implementation of 4K service. DIRECTV's customer premises equipment is confusing and awkward even without the double charge by the Genie not being able to output 4K locally. But I love the way DIRECTV has planned for adequate satellite bandwidth with the new Reverse Band.
While Dish has a superior platform for receiving 4K for now with the H3. To me they have done poor spectrum planning by remaining solely with the old legacy band DBS Ku band over the years to where now they have way insufficient bandwidth to implement 4K linear broadcasting to any worthwhile extent.
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