HR34 CE Release 3/2

The post above with all the "issues" here is my comments on those

1. havent seen that
2. 30skip work fine
3. agreed
4. havent used that
5. havent seen that
6. could care less. I know what I watch and I dont care that "Ellen" is on just because I watched the noon news on that same station.
7. havent used it. I speak English so any other language is moot to me
8. dont use it
9. dont have MRV
10. agreed. I noted that in another thread
11. dont understand what you're saying there
12. must be a MRV thing....I only have a HR34

I guess for me after the 1st couple days with missed recordings and multiple bugs the HR34 is pretty stable for me. I guess because I dont have MRV I dont see a lot of the issues. But it does what I want it to do. Record shows :)
When you change channels the banner at the top of the screen will appear twice sometimes.
When you rewind a live broadcast the green status bar flashs on and off.

When the box isn't being used it is supposed to retain 90 minutes of activity. I have noticed when turning the box on that sometimes the prior 90 minutes of the channel it was on are there and other times it is not.

I noticed that too. Its random.
Have you tried doing a search for an YouTube video?

yes and i still dont have you tube or pandora on my hr34 but have it on my hr24-200 :) ty :) i have tech coming out tuesday between 12-4 pm because im also missing some channels besides you tube and pandora :)
Just an FYI, my "MyDirectv" is now showing stuff and that all appears good. :) Still the other glitches and lag and the skip back and forward are wonky but the most important part is that I haven't missed any recordings, etc.
Just an FYI, my "MyDirectv" is now showing stuff and that all appears good. :) Still the other glitches and lag and the skip back and forward are wonky but the most important part is that I haven't missed any recordings, etc.
Still getting mostly 7PMs as I watch the Mets playing a day game.
I guess for me after the 1st couple days with missed recordings and multiple bugs the HR34 is pretty stable for me. I guess because I dont have MRV I dont see a lot of the issues. But it does what I want it to do. Record shows :)

Agreed. I just jumped into the beta at 555 as it looked stable after watching the progress of the previous releases. This is a pretty good release candidate as most reported issues are either minor or isolated instances - the core functionality is there and working reliably.

I'm happy :^)
Just an FYI, my "MyDirectv" is now showing stuff and that all appears good. :) Still the other glitches and lag and the skip back and forward are wonky but the most important part is that I haven't missed any recordings, etc.

Yeah, Mydirectv is also showing stuff too now. My wife said she saw a "reset receiver" message today which we did. I also reset the network! I don't know what happened but it's working. Still don't have Pandora or Youtube and the guides still fast but, clunky!
I was running this, but went to the national release when it was updated earlier this week (Had to for work purposes), Can it still be downloaded during CE hours, or do I have to wait for a new CE release?
Thanks in advance...
Yeah, Mydirectv is also showing stuff too now. My wife said she saw a "reset receiver" message today which we did. I also reset the network! I don't know what happened but it's working. Still don't have Pandora or Youtube and the guides still fast but, clunky!

The MyDirecTV has been showing a for while on mine. Pandora and Youtube are not there. But if I do a search and pick YouTube I can search it all day long and play the videos just fine. Weird.
hmmm not here on the HR34

everything is blank

I don't know? Maybe reset the network and then the receiver? Do you have the Power saving option? My hr24 does but, not the 34. No big deal, but what would have been nice is to have the receiver send out a IR signal to turn off your TV, before powering itself down due to inactivity.

H2x / HR2x (Excluding HR24-500) CE Release 3/2

CE's for Spring Forward Weekend
