The post above with all the "issues" here is my comments on those
1. havent seen that
2. 30skip work fine
3. agreed
4. havent used that
5. havent seen that
6. could care less. I know what I watch and I dont care that "Ellen" is on just because I watched the noon news on that same station.
7. havent used it. I speak English so any other language is moot to me
8. dont use it
9. dont have MRV
10. agreed. I noted that in another thread
11. dont understand what you're saying there
12. must be a MRV thing....I only have a HR34
I guess for me after the 1st couple days with missed recordings and multiple bugs the HR34 is pretty stable for me. I guess because I dont have MRV I dont see a lot of the issues. But it does what I want it to do. Record shows
1. havent seen that
2. 30skip work fine
3. agreed
4. havent used that
5. havent seen that
6. could care less. I know what I watch and I dont care that "Ellen" is on just because I watched the noon news on that same station.
7. havent used it. I speak English so any other language is moot to me
8. dont use it
9. dont have MRV
10. agreed. I noted that in another thread
11. dont understand what you're saying there
12. must be a MRV thing....I only have a HR34
I guess for me after the 1st couple days with missed recordings and multiple bugs the HR34 is pretty stable for me. I guess because I dont have MRV I dont see a lot of the issues. But it does what I want it to do. Record shows