How did I know you would have this come back.

If plugging in an eSATA data cable fries the machine, I will BUY you another one. You have to prove it though. Plugging a data cable in is much different then opening a case, removing power lines, removing a drive, plugging in an unsupported drive internally, and booting this off the INTERNAL power source. That is the danger, not the booting into a different data storage.
I know this post is from forever and ever ago.....but......
Dude, you owe me a new receiver......
HR21-200, ran for about 6 months before finding out about the eSATA ability. From then on, it has been run with an eSATA 1TB HDD in an Antec enclosure. Was watching tv on Wed, when unit starting garbling both audio and video. Checked signal levels, got a few that were kinda low, so I reset the receiver (menu reset) for giggles. Upon reboot, had no guide (when hitting the guide button, all I got was the error "thunk"), no audio and no video, either. Thought maybe it was the external drive, so I again reset, then unplugged the power. Removed eSATA cable from the receiver, rebooted.
Now all I get is after the receiver self-check screen is a sorta BSOD screen with the error of "unable to detect storage device...blah blah.... error code 14-902"
Called D* and they said yup, it's toast.
tl;dr version:
after running with an external drive, internal drive must have died, therefore external killed unit (yeah, I know, pulling some serious you-know-what outta my you-know-where). Hence, you owe me a new unit.

On another note, upon receiving replacement unit, CSR tried to tell me my shows would be fine from the external drive. YEAH, RIGHT!!!! all i get is a stupid generic error about all my shows might not have recorded properly, and it is searching for authorized content.
Anybody know of any solution to this????
/ridiculously long post