My Cavalry's have been lousy. Been through three RMAs and requested a fourth. As I can't seem to get a good one, I removed the drive from the last one, eSATA to SATA cabled it, and hooked it up to a PC power supply. Ugly, but no more problems.
As best I figure number one actually failed per Partition Commander, number two had a bad board as the LEDs went out, and number three had a loose eSATA connector so the cable wiggled. Barely nudging it would lock up my box. It was obviously a used piece of gear. Taped over serial number, rubber banded cables, sloppy packing, beat up box, and missing "warranty void if removed" sticker.
Cavalry's seem great if you get a good one but if you don't it's awful. Slow RMA process and you get to pay the shipping even for a brand new drive.
The safest bet I've read is a 1TB Western Digital, SIIG cable, and an Antec MX-1 which I could have had for less money than the Cavalry.