HR10-250 Semi-Free to a Good Home!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 31, 2009
Redding, CA
I just deactivated my HR10-250 and replaced it with an HR24. It is owned of course, and it still works perfectly. I have no use for it. So if any of my Satellite Guys friends wants it, they can have it. I only ask that you pay for packaging and shipping. Of course the remote, power cord, and access card are included.

So, let me know if you are interested, send me your zip code and I'll tell you how much it costs to ship.

I'll take payment for shipping through PayPal.

Let me know, or it's headed to the recyclers.
Ok, the member of the year changed his mind. So it's still available. It's roughly $30 to ship and package.

The HR10-250 is a great TIVO receiver. It has a built in HD off-air tuner, but can only be used for SD satellite programming. It does not get any of the new HD channels. It will not work on a SWiM system unless you are using a SWiM 8/16 multiswitch with legacy ports. You also need two lines to the receiver to use both tuners. Currently it is set up for one tuner and one line, which can be quickly changed in the setup menu.

As a bonus, all my kids ICarly and Sweet Life recordings are still on it.....
I would be more then happy to take it off your hands. I love my tivos and I use it for OTA as I am getting tired of having to complain about not having am21 available .

DVBWorld DVB-S2 PCIE2006

For sale: Linksys Wireless Router
