The original qestion has been answered. NO you can't play MKVs on the HR2x (natively).As the OP asked about media sharing the HR22 and you're going on about Windows 7 and the XBox360, it would seem:
1. you're not understanding the question
2. you've chosen to ignore it and tell a personal story of media sharing between devices not including the HR22
3. you're recommending that the OP forget about trying to make media share work with the HR22.
As any good member of the forum, I offered another solution. What have you brought to this thread? Nothing, so run along.
The OP may not be getting the answers he wants about the HR2x's video playback capabilities but he appreciate the fact that I am taking my time to try and help.
If all of your 2700+ post are this useless you are wasting a lot of your time and ours.