There are a lot of threads in the C-band section, dealing with personal moves.
Each story is educational, and amusing.
I spent a lot of time over the years reading them, so when it came to my move, I used all the wisdom which had gone before, and came up with my own way.
You can see the stories in my signature.
But by looking through the C-band department, you can likely come up with examples that fit your dish/situation better.
Best bet, would be to do -some- reading , then post pictures of what you've got and get advice from the guys.
edit: but just as a quickie...
- pickup truck
- trailer
- flat bed truck - (that was me!)
- or if it can be disassembled into two, four, or six panels, some guys have hauled 'em in vans or station wagons!

- one guy drove home in an Izusu SUV with an 8½' solid BirdView on his roof! -