I Got My Deal
Called DirecTV on the 17th and followed steps as outlined, and I did get 2 HR-21 for $99 each. Was installed on the 19th and the print-out of my order shows only being charged for 1 DVR but I did pay for 2....and got 2 see below: got all discounts mentioned except for visa card...although not shown here they are reflected on my bill (except referral(60 day wait) and 10/mo 1/yr...bill not arrived to mail in redemption form)
PLUS HD DVR P000006364000000001 $0.00 1 $0.00
HD Access_Tier 1 P000006376000000001 $0.00 1 $0.00
DIRECTV HD EXTRA PACK 3 Months Free P6688/5 $0.00 1 $0.00
DIRECTV 5-LNB Multi-Satellite Dish $0.00 1 $0.00
DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable) $0.00 1 $0.00
DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable) $99.00 1 $99.00
Standard Professional Install $0.00 1 $0.00
Programming_DummyName_29275 $0.00 1 $0.00
HBO $0.00 1 $0.00
STARZ! $0.00 1 $0.00
SHOWTIME $0.00 1 $0.00
Cinemax $0.00 1 $0.00
B6291/020 $0.00 1 $0.00
Handling $19.95 1 $19.95
DVR Service $0.00 1 $0.00
Subtotal: $217.95
Tax: $13.08
Total: $231.03
They would not waive the shipping charge as said this was for insurance though. I also did not want to sign up for auto pay so no visa card for me either. Bobvick---must have been eavesdropping on my call to Dish as I told them I was "moving" to Canada...still had 6mos on contract...they canceled out and account 0.00'ed no 13.33/mo fee....

Newho....I'm all installed and think pq is much better on D* , I must say I don't like the interface of the DVR as well (no autotune..don't always wanna record, and E* allowed you to set up to record a show everyday based on its name on a channel and time....with D* you either select 1st run or Repeat and it wants to record all episodes every time its on....so I set up manual timers). I also am not as happy with the fast forward and rewind the D* uses, but I'll get used to it...hell I still skipped past commercials into the program after 7 years of E* and had to back up a little...but 6sec's for D*...to short of a rewind if ya ask me....Overall I am happy I switched....I was on AT100 with all HD with E* at the end(had downgraded from AT250 with HD) and was paying $75/mo for a 622 and a 211 with AT100 & HD & DHPP...now I have Choice HD/DVR HD Extra Pak, SHO 1/yr and D*HPP and it is cheaper(will drop additional movies after 3/mo)...Never thought I would come back over to D*...was a customer years ago and was turned away because of awful cust serv but am happy I have...better pq, less $$$, more channels, and have 2 HD-DVR.... so I say poo on E*, after all the years I was with them...and they got too expensive, crappy cust serv, losing in hd, picture was getting worse, never wanted to upgrade you without an huge fee and extended commitment, my bill was rarely correct, and
had to call corp office to get anything done....I guess sometimes the grass is greener
\|||/|||\|||/ on the other side.
Thanks for the help jacmyoung in the discount area....thanks to every1 for reading my little rant....and thanks D* for having an overall good product and service!!!