How to get an additional $240 off as a new DirecTV customer

Please reply by conversation.
How do you go about getting the premier package free for 4 months? Can this be requested after your install is done?

No, I have done that when I signed up with DirecTV, I got NFL Sunday Ticket+ Superfan.
I made 4 payments of 60$, and thats how I got the Premier package for free for 4 months.
Before football season starts you usually get great deals from DirecTV, also mid football season you get great deals from DTV.
I signed up with DirecTV mid NFL season, and I got a crazy stupid good deal.
Thanks to everyone in this thread for all the info. I have been entertaining the idea of switching from E* to D* due to the HD content mainly, but there are other reasons I won't get into at this time. This thread and the savings it has/will produce convinced me to make the jump.

I called the AAA 800 number yesterday (Friday) late afternoon and I told the rep that I was think about switching form E* to D* and I wanted to know what the total monthly price would be. I told him I had "read about numerous promotions on the internet" and I wanted to to verify that I could combine them and get the deal I wanted. So the game began.

First I asked for the AAA promo, the rep asked me for the first 6 digits of my AAA membership number. No problem there, $10/month for 24 months.

Then I asked if I'd be able to still get the current $10 a month for 12 month discount. He said yes, as soon as installation was complete I should log into their website and fill out the electronic form and I would start seeing the $10 a month credit on my bill within 1-2 billing cycles.

Next I mentioned that I had a referral. I gave him my friends account number and we will each be credited $10 a month for 5 months starting on my second month.

Next I said I wanted two HD-DVR receivers. He quoted me $99 for the first one and $199 for the second. I told him I wanted the $100 off the second one as well. He said the system wouldn't allow him to do that. I then mentioned that I knew quite a few people that were getting the deal and asked him to try anyway. He said there's no way to do in "in the system". I then asked him to verify that with his supervisor. He said sure, put me oh hold, and next I knew I was talking to the supervisor. I explained to him what I was wanting and he too said that I could not get $100 off the second receiver. I told him then it was a deal breaker because I couldn't shell out $300 up front, it just wasn't worth it to me. At that point he offered me an additional $10/month for 12 months as his way of "doing whatever it takes to earn a new customer". I agreed to the monthly discount and was transferred back to the original rep.

I then asked for the Showtime for a year promo. The rep put me on hold and verified with his supervisor that he could add it to my order. He came back on the line and said "no problem". I then asked to verify that I'd get the other premium channels for 3 months free, and he said he'd add them right then.

The rep and I went over all the fine details and I had him repeat the order to me before I gave him my credit card and all. At that point he noticed that the system listed two HD-DRVs each at $99. I then asked him to make sure that the $10/month discount that the supervisor added was still there, but it wasn't. I questioned this a couple times and I could tell I was starting to test the reps patience. He offered to transfer me back to the supervisor, but I opted to stick with what I had, as that's what I wanted to start with ($100 off each HD-DVR).

At the end I was told my total "up front" costs. I asked if he could waive the shipping and handling and he sort of laughed. He said he'd have to ask his supervisor again for approval. He came back, laughing again, and said that it was approved and there would be no S/H on my order. He said to me that he has never set up a new account with this many credits or freebies before and congratulated me on getting such a good deal.

We concluded all the fine print and scheduled an installation for Monday the 25th. I got the automated call from D* this morning to confirm the install, but I opted to change it to Saturday the 1st so I could be here at the house with the installer. I have a fairly sophisticated central wiring closet and I'd rather be here with the installer to take care of that part myself.

All said and done I feel I got a great deal thanks to all the members of this site and the info they have posted. I appreciate every one of you.

Should anything change I will update this thread, otherwise I'll be watching all my new HD channels.

Thanks again,
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The superviser did say he would give you another $10 off for 12 months, I suspect he was referring to the 2007 Q4 $20 off for 12 month promo. Register online and check out for yourself if it is in there, in addition to all the other deals.

If you got the $20 off for 12 months, you should see a line item called: "Welcome to DirecTV 2007 Q4 Offer...."

Thanks to everyone in this thread for all the info. I have been entertaining the idea of switching from E* to D* due to the HD content mainly, but there are other reasons I won't get into at this time. This thread and the savings it has/will produce convinced me to make the jump.

I called the AAA 800 number yesterday (Friday) late afternoon and I told the rep that I was think about switching form E* to D* and I wanted to know what the total monthly price would be. I told him I had "read about numerous promotions on the internet" and I wanted to to verify that I could combine them and get the deal I wanted. So the game began.

First I asked for the AAA promo, the rep asked me for the first 6 digits of my AAA membership number. No problem there, $10/month for 24 months.

Then I asked if I'd be able to still get the current $10 a month for 12 month discount. He said yes, as soon as installation was complete I should log into their website and fill out the electronic form and I would start seeing the $10 a month credit on my bill within 1-2 billing cycles.

Next I mentioned that I had a referral. I gave him my friends account number and we will each be credited $10 a month for 5 months starting on my second month.

Next I said I wanted two HD-DVR receivers. He quoted me $99 for the first one and $199 for the second. I told him I wanted the $100 off the second one as well. He said the system wouldn't allow him to do that. I then mentioned that I knew quite a few people that were getting the deal and asked him to try anyway. He said there's no way to do in "in the system". I then asked him to verify that with his supervisor. He said sure, put me oh hold, and next I knew I was talking to the supervisor. I explained to him what I was wanting and he too said that I could not get $100 off the second receiver. I told him then it was a deal breaker because I could shell out $300 up front, it just wasn't worth it to me. At that point he offered me an additional $10/month for 12 months as his way of "doing whatever it takes to earn a new customer". I agreed to the monthly discount and was transferred back to the original rep.

I then asked for the Showtime for a year promo. The rep put me on home and verified with his supervisor that He could add it to my order. He came back on the line and said "no problem". I then asked to verify that I'd get the other premium channels for 3 months free, and he said he'd add them right then.

The rep and I went over all the fine details and I had him repeat the order to me before I gave him my credit card and all. At that point he noticed that the system listed two HD-DRVs each at $99. I then asked him to make sure that the $10/month discount that the supervisor added was still there, but it wasn't. I questioned this a couple times and I could tell I was starting to test the reps patience. He offered to transfer me back to the supervisor, but I opted to still with what I had, as that's what I wanted to start with ($100 off each HD-DVR).

At the end I was told my total cost up front. I asked if he could waive the shipping and handling and he sort of laughed. He said he'd have to ask his supervisor again fro approval. He cam back, laughing again, and said that it was approved and there would be no S/H on my order. He said to me that he has never set up a new account with this many credits or freebies before and congratulated me on getting such a good deal.

We concluded all the fine print and scheduled an installation for Monday the 25th. I got the automated call from D* this morning to confirm the install, but I opted to change it to Saturday the 1st so I could be here at the house with the installer. I have a fairly sophisticated central wiring closet and I'd rather be here with the installer to take care of that part myself.

All said and done I feel i got a great deal thanks to all the members of this site and the info they have posted. I appreciate every one of you.

Should anything change I will update this thread, otherwise I'll be watching all my new HD channels.

Thanks again,

Good luck with the install Kurt, I am glad we were able to help you save money :)
And that is a great deal you go there!
Let us know how the install goes.
As we approach the seemingly critical date of 02/26/08, just a few reminders:

1) The 2007 Q4 ($20 off for 12) will end on this day.
2) Reading the friends referral fine prints, this deal ends on the same day, but I had been told by more than one D* rep that referral promo always got extended in the past and probably will be in the future.
3) More than one person said the AAA promo for the EXISTING DirecTV subs has ended.
4) The AAA deal for NEW subs will go on till the end of 2008.

Traditionally new promos always replaced the old ones and/or some old ones got extended. There however is no guarantee, so if you are ready to order do so by the 26th, but if you are not ready don't rush into it.
I pushed a email CSR to see if they could override the expiration of the AAA offer, I didn't realize it expired this weekend. No luck, not even a pin to call retention.

Dear Mr. ----

Thanks for writing about the AAA Discount Program. I understand how much you would like to take advantage of this offer and I'm sorry for any disappointment. As explained by the Customer Service Representative when you called us, the AAA PROMOTION for DIRECTV subscribers has expired so at this time we can not offer you this discount. There are no plans for a similar offer at this time.

Thanks again for writing and for allowing us to respond to your concern.


May P.
Employee ID #
I pushed a email CSR to see if they could override the expiration of the AAA offer, I didn't realize it expired this weekend. No luck, not even a pin to call retention.

For clarification, only the AAA promo for EXISTING DirecTV customers had expired this weekend, the $240 AAA deal for the NEW subs is still good till the end of 2008.

Maybe I will call AAA to ask why. I am not holding my breadth though, last time I called AAA the guy did not even know what was DirecTV.
Thanks everyone for this excellent thread. Just wanted to note that all deals are still on for today. I just got off the phone and was able to get everything I asked for without them batting an eyelid:

Welcome to DIRECTV _2007 Q4 Offer 047 B5712/47 1 Free
PLUS HD DVR P000006364000000001 1 Free
HD Access_Tier 1 P000006376000000001 1 Free
DIRECTV 5-LNB Multi-Satellite Dish 1 Free
DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable) 1 Free
DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable) 1 $99.00
Standard Professional Install 1 Free
DVR Service 1 Free
$0 Delivery & Handling 1 Free
1 Year Free Showtime 1 Free
HBO 1 Free
STARZ! 1 Free
Cinemax 1 Free
B6291/020 1 Free

Subtotal: $198.00
Tax: $9.90
Total: $207.90

Just for reference - I'm in the northern Virginia/DC area and the Q4-2007 Welcome package is still available here.

I'm currently a Dish customer (with basically the "everything + HD pack") - one HD-DVR and one regular SD receiver. Going with DirecTV with two HD-DVRs will save me more than $1800 over the next two years (if I decide to add movie packages back in after 3 months this will change...but still). Craziness.

Quite excited. Thanks again and I highly recommend everyone check this out.
Thanks everyone for this excellent thread. Just wanted to note that all deals are still on for today. I just got off the phone and was able to get everything I asked for without them batting an eyelid...

No true, you forgot to ask for the three months free HD Extra pack:) But of course you can ask for it right after installation you should get it.



Member Savings
New DIRECTV. members receive the following:
  • A $10 credit on your monthly bill for 24 months (that's a savings of $240!)
  • A free HD Receiver or DVR upgrade
  • FREE installation
How It Works
Call 800-242-9114 and provide the first six digits of your AAA membership. Installation will be done by an authorized installer within 3-4 days. Upon purchase, DIRECTV. will issue the credit on your monthly DIRECTV. bill for 24 months. When you receive your bill, you will see a message beside the credit stating "AAA member discount".
DIRECTV., Inc., the nation's leading satellite television service provider, presents the finest television experience available to more than 15.6 million customers through exclusive content, industry-leading customer service (which has surpassed cable for six years running) and superior technologies. Each day, DIRECTV. subscribers enjoy over 250 channels of 100% digital picture and sound; exclusive programming and the most comprehensive collection of sports programming available anywhere including NFL SUNDAY TICKET™, and MLB EXTRA INNINGS™. DIRECTV. (NYSE:DTV) also leads the digital television technology revolution with exclusives such as NFL SUNDAY TICKET SuperFan™, US Open Interactive and YES Network Interactive and will soon have the capacity to offer up to 150 national channels in HD. For the most up-to-date information visit Good TV. Better TV. DIRECTV..

Terms and conditions
To receive discount, you must mention AAA, CAA, or the name of your participating international motor club when calling for appointments or reservations and provide your valid membership number at time of purchase. Offers, including attraction ticket prices, are subject to change and may expire without notice and are not valid with other discounts, promotions, or coupons. Various conditions and restrictions may apply to all offers. Good at participating locations and in covered areas only.

This is directly from
California State Automobile Association - Insurance, Automotive, Discounts, Travel and Road Side Assistance
There are some changes in the AAA website promo language:

1) The promo for existing DirecTV sub has ended on 02/22/07. The promo for NEW DirecTV subs is still on.
2) The AAA site no longer says the AAA promo is "in addition" to any nationally available DirecTV promos. It used to say that, which might be why we were able to combine all the deals in one.
3) We have been able to get two (not one) free HD receivers or DVR's, or up to two HDDVR's at $99 each.
4) The last DirecTV promo period ended on 02/26/08, a new promo started on 02/27/08.
5) The new DirecTV promo is less aggressive, it has the standard $13 off for 12 months, but same as $10 off before because the price has increased by $3.
6) The DirecTV web special is now $18 off for 12, similar to the $20 off for 12 (2007 Q4) deal we had been getting before, only $5 less discount if the $3 price increase is factored in.
8) The free movie promo is not as good as last period.
7) Whether DirecTV will continue to allow combining all the promos under this AAA deal is yet to be seen in this new promo period.

Traditionally, when DirecTV reduced or removed one promo, it tended to allow some other types to balance out the total savings, so my suggestion is when you call the AAA #:

1) Ask if they will offer three-month credit to counter the Dishnetwork's deal, or at least the first month free;
2) Can they offer free HDDVR since everyone else is offering free HDDVR lease.

My prediction is soon DirecTV will be able to offer free HDDVR leases, the question is how soon. My guess is in Q3 of 2008, if not sooner.
There are some changes in the AAA website promo language:

1) The promo for existing DirecTV sub has ended on 02/22/07. The promo for NEW DirecTV subs is still on.
2) The AAA site no longer says the AAA promo is "in addition" to any nationally available DirecTV promos. It used to say that, which might be why we were able to combine all the deals in one.
3) We have been able to get two (not one) free HD receivers or DVR's, or up to two HDDVR's at $99 each.
4) The last DirecTV promo period ended on 02/26/08, a new promo started on 02/27/08.
5) The new DirecTV promo is less aggressive, it has the standard $13 off for 12 months, but same as $10 off before because the price has increased by $3.
6) The DirecTV web special is now $18 off for 12, similar to the $20 off for 12 (2007 Q4) deal we had been getting before, only $5 less discount if the $3 price increase is factored in.
8) The free movie promo is not as good as last period.
7) Whether DirecTV will continue to allow combining all the promos under this AAA deal is yet to be seen in this new promo period.

Traditionally, when DirecTV reduced or removed one promo, it tended to allow some other types to balance out the total savings, so my suggestion is when you call the AAA #:

1) Ask if they will offer three-month credit to counter the Dishnetwork's deal, or at least the first month free;
2) Can they offer free HDDVR since everyone else is offering free HDDVR lease.

My prediction is soon DirecTV will be able to offer free HDDVR leases, the question is how soon. My guess is in Q3 of 2008, if not sooner.

Hey JAC,
I have my install sched for march 9 and was just wondering what you think of the service and the DVR for Direct TV. Right now I am on the Dish Network HD only pack which is a bit limited in programming for us. But if the HR21 DVR has issues like I have read in some posts we might just cancel the install and stay with E in hopes of more programming soon.

Hello everyone I'm new here been lurking now have some questions
I am looking to sign up for the choice package with hd
I am not total clear on what deals I am able to get, I am a AAA member so I can get the 10 off for 24 months
But am I reading this correctly that I can get 13 additional dollars off, and get the 18 dollars off as well or is the 18 dollars off only for web sign up?
What is the current movie deal?
Is the free three months of hd extra still available or is it over
Sorry if I am being noobish
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Hey JAC,
I have my install sched for march 9 and was just wondering what you think of the service and the DVR for Direct TV. Right now I am on the Dish Network HD only pack which is a bit limited in programming for us. But if the HR21 DVR has issues like I have read in some posts we might just cancel the install and stay with E in hopes of more programming soon.


The only thing that bothers some of us so far is the slower response from the remote keystrokes, I get used to it in no time but not everyone in my family likes such issue. They are happy still because replacing receivers also eliminated few bugs (very few) that had bothered them by E* 622's.

Other than that my four HR21's have been rock solid since day one, quite a surprise to me in fact.

I would make sure all lines and hardware are properly grounded and if you have power issue also power-condition before they are connected. I suspect the issue of constant replacement reported on the forums has to do with electronics being zapped, and that is true with E*, D* or any other electronics.
Hello everyone I'm new here been lurking now have some questions
I am looking to sign up for the choice package with hd
I am not total clear on what deals I am able to get, I am a AAA member so I can get the 10 off for 24 months
But am I reading this correctly that I can get 13 additional dollars off, and get the 18 dollars off as well or is the 18 dollars off only for web sign up?
What is the current movie deal?
Is the free three months of hd extra still available or is it over
Also can some one send me a referral
Sorry if I am being noobish

If you had enough patience to read through this thread (I know it can be a pain in the you know what) then you will be an expert in figuring out what you can or can not do or expect, just because the promo period has changed does not mean it is a wholesale change of the AAA procedure, yet there is never guarantee things will stay the same, just like I said in my first post.

You should PM whoever you decide to use referral from for that aspect and often more discussions can be carried out in the PM's. That sometimes means discussions that are not made in the public too. Why we have PM.
I can also verify the $100 rebate on multiple HD DVRs as of today.

$10 AAA discount 24 months
$10 referral discount 5 months
$18 current D* promo 12 months
$99 each for HD DVRs
didn't ask about showtime, had it and never watched it.

Thanks to the forum for saving me $$$$$.
I can also verify the $100 rebate on multiple HD DVRs as of today.

$10 AAA discount 24 months
$10 referral discount 5 months
$18 current D* promo 12 months
$99 each for HD DVRs
didn't ask about showtime, had it and never watched it.

Thanks to the forum for saving me $$$$$.

If it is alright with you can you register online then copy your acct details here? The acct details prior to installation can reveal a lot of info to confirm the deals. Since DirecTV just started a new promo period, it will be nice to have an updated list for new people to confirm their deals.

Additionally DirecTV might have changed their ordering process a bit, now you might be able to call in to modify an existing order prior to installation if something is missing or if you want to change your HD receiver to an HDDVR for example, if this is indeed true it will make things a lot easier.
Found it...although I'm not sure it really tells you anything. Strangely, the second HDDVR is listed as Free although I was definitely charged $99 for both of them.

PLUS HD DVR P000006364000000001

HD Access_Tier 1 P000006376000000001

DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable)

Standard Professional Install

DVR Service





$0 Delivery & Handling

DIRECTV 5-LNB Multi-Satellite Dish

DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable)
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Found it...although I'm not sure it really tells you anything. Strangely, the second HDDVR is listed as Free although I was definitely charged $99 for both of them.

PLUS HD DVR P000006364000000001
* This was your free DVR *

DIRECTV HD DVR (Expanded HD Prog. Capable)
* They do show $99 for your second DVR *

* I think this is the referral code for $10 over 5 months *

I didn't see anything that would indicate the current promotion, but they may not use a special code for that when it is the current promo?
Not sure. He did say in order to activate the $18/month rebates I would have to call a toll-free number after my system is installed.
Please reply by conversation.

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