how much do you pay for internet?

Foxbat said:
Too much. $40/mo for 5mbps down and 600Kbps up AT&T DSL. I am still waiting for U-Verse to come to our neighborhood, but after hearing my friends' and family's woes with the service, I'm not sure I'd risk it unless they ran fiber to the side of my house.

The WiMax solution isn't on my side of town, either. Comcast is an option, but I like my Dish and I'm not paying for TV just to get Internet.

You can get Comcast internet without their TV service. I have it. Works great.

Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt using the SatelliteGuys App
Steve Mehs said:
Wasn't there a thread like this not more than a month ago?

Anywho, I have two ISPs, Time Warner Cable and Sprint. Not sure what the cost for internet is as the line item just says 'Signature Home - $199.99' for Time Warner for 50Mb Down/5Mb Up broadband (no caps), digital cable and digital phone. It would be $99 if I didn?t bundle. I pay $50/month for my Sprint 3G/4G data card. I have the capped 5GB plan which is normally $60 but get a $10 bundling discount since my voice lines are under an Unlimited Plan. I get about 2Mb Down/750Kb Up when I have a decent 3G signal, I haven?t taken it to a 4G area yet but I get upwards of 12Mb Down/1Mb Up on 4G on my HTC Evo. I saw no real need to opt for the 8GB plan as the data card is only for use on my laptop.

Why don't you just tether on your Evo? Much cheaper than paying for a data card.

Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt using the SatelliteGuys App
$99/mo, 50/5 Comcast Extreme service. Too expensive, not convinced I'll stay with it, might go back to 20Mb service. Giving it a few months to decide.
Why don't you just tether on your Evo? Much cheaper than paying for a data card.

Sent from my HTC ThunderBolt using the SatelliteGuys App

I'm not really about costs, but am about quality. And from what I've seen in the real world, data cards outperform tethering. Tethering is a half assed solution IMO. Wired tethering can be a pain if you use the laptop on your lap and the phone is just sitting there if you have no real place it set it. The small compact size of the USB air card is nice. Wireless tethering, YUCK! I can't stand anything wifi, and will only use it if it's beyond my last resort. I would never use wireless tethering in a million years. I could use the legitimate excuse about the issue of being able to use the phone for voice when tethered but that doesn't apply to me since I don't use my Evo for voice. And plus I feel actually paying for the data card is the right thing to do. I don't care what it costs, Sprint and Time Warner Cable are two companies I have no problem paying money to, hence why combined they get about $550/month from me. Its a true honor to do business with them. Two awesome companies that are about a million times better than any competitor means I don't care what it costs, infact, I believe my bills should be higher for the awesome services I receive from them.
Using an outdoor Yagi 20 element antenna for free wifi within 2 miles. Scanning about 10 open hotspots with average 10/2mb speeds.
My cost $0.00 a month. Cost for antenna $25 on ebay.

For secured connection (banking email etc) then I use my rooted EVO for that.
Nice setup pro96, the only thing holding me back from one of those antennas is the 922, if I'm away from home and the signal between the antenna and the access point dropped would mean no remote viewing for me.

although I do admit my sling quality is total crap due to my upload(300-400kbps), its acceptable and stable. 40gb cap on download/ no cap on upload(thank god!)

My house is less than half a mile from a mall which is covered with hotspots along with a starbucks. I may get one of those antennas for online gaming and media streaming in order to reduce the chances of hitting my cable company's cap. Also I've seen those yagi antennas in the local classifieds that come with routers that repeat the distant signal you are catching in your home(for your wireless devices like laptops, gaming consoles etc) thinking about getting one of these

Speed and ping results from my cable company
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Using an outdoor Yagi 20 element antenna for free wifi within 2 miles. Scanning about 10 open hotspots with average 10/2mb speeds.
My cost $0.00 a month. Cost for antenna $25 on ebay.

For secured connection (banking email etc) then I use my rooted EVO for that.
IOW, you are stealing.
I have 12M down, 3M up from Mediacomm for $38.50 under a promo. Goes up to $43.50 the 2nd year and then whatever the full price is after that. Current full price is about $60/month. Those prices are all with no other services from Mediacomm, if I had other services all prices are $15/month less.

Unfortunately Mediacomm has terrible equipment and not enough HD to make switching all of it to them worthwhile.

Edit: Ooops! That's 1M up speed.
I have 12M down, 3M up from Mediacomm for $38.50 under a promo. Goes up to $43.50 the 2nd year and then whatever the full price is after that. Current full price is about $60/month. Those prices are all with no other services from Mediacomm, if I had other services all prices are $15/month less.

Unfortunately Mediacomm has terrible equipment and not enough HD to make switching all of it to them worthwhile.

Edit: Ooops! That's 1M up speed.

Same here with Comcast. Their internet and phone service are great. But I can't stand their crappy Motorola DVR's that only have a 160 GB Hard drive and it makes me sick that they charge 16.00 a month per box. So Dish is my best option for TV. It would cost me more to have the Triple Play with all the services and boxes with Dish now than paying Comcast for phone and internet and Dish for TV.
Same here with Comcast. Their internet and phone service are great. But I can't stand their crappy Motorola DVR's that only have a 160 GB Hard drive and it makes me sick that they charge 16.00 a month per box. So Dish is my best option for TV. It would cost me more to have the Triple Play with all the services and boxes with Dish now than paying Comcast for phone and internet and Dish for TV.

We have 105 HD channels on our local Comcast system. Pretty good but not as many as Dish.
IOW, you are stealing.
From my understanding, if the signal is unencrypted or if its a public hotspot there shouldn't be a problem but you must know its a big security risk since the information from your connected devices can be obtained.
If the signal were in fact encrypted and he managed to obtain the security key without permission it would be stealing.

A neighbor got the same service as I have right now(40gb cap), he did not know how to secure his router and he left it open, first bill had $80 in overage fees due to random users connecting to his network and hogging up his bandwidth.

He started to accuse everyone of stealing and when the ISP was contacted they said that it was the owner's responsibility to secure his network since they don't have control of who connects to the router.
$99/mo, 50/5 Comcast Extreme service. Too expensive, not convinced I'll stay with it, might go back to 20Mb service. Giving it a few months to decide.

Our local cable company offers an "Extreme" tier as well.....$88 for 5 down, 768 up....with a 150 gb cap.
Sad thing is, as of right now it is the only viable option for me. I can deal with the speed as it will do what I need, even though it is way to damn high. My main concern is the cap. I have no idea how much I use a month.
From my understanding, if the signal is unencrypted or if its a public hotspot there shouldn't be a problem but you must know its a big security risk since the information from your connected devices can be obtained.
If the signal were in fact encrypted and he managed to obtain the security key without permission it would be stealing.

A neighbor got the same service as I have right now(40gb cap), he did not know how to secure his router and he left it open, first bill had $80 in overage fees due to random users connecting to his network and hogging up his bandwidth.

He started to accuse everyone of stealing and when the ISP was contacted they said that it was the owner's responsibility to secure his network since they don't have control of who connects to the router.
If it is public, then of course it is not stealing. If it is someone else's, then it is
Our local cable company offers an "Extreme" tier as well.....$88 for 5 down, 768 up....with a 150 gb cap.
Sad thing is, as of right now it is the only viable option for me. I can deal with the speed as it will do what I need, even though it is way to damn high. My main concern is the cap. I have no idea how much I use a month.

Contact your ISP and ask them if they offer monitoring options, I called mines and they told me that I could monitor it myself on their webstie so its worth giving it a try.

Also they might have your usage history for the past months so you can average your usage.
If it is public, then of course it is not stealing. If it is someone else's, then it is
Exactly, heck when I moved to an apartment 2 years ago for work, I had no internet options but DSL, I remember buying a USB adapter called the Alfa something, the thing managed to pick up a starbucks hotspot which was quite a walk from where I was living. never had an issue with dropouts plus it was constantly at 1mb/256kbps which was great for browsing and sending word files.

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