How many will order VOOM now?

Again guys; Now that SuperDish land on its belly (at least for the time being). Won't you consider given VOOM a try out!!! If you want HD who has more at current time and who will have more by 2/1/04 - VOOM, Dish or DirecTV... Please vote if you have not voted. If you did an change your mind one way or the other, make a comment why?

Isn't this fun HD stuff changes by the minute? It will very interested to see what's going to happen within the next few months... In the mean time, I am a VOOMER enjoying HD...
I think this could be a temporary thing until the new satellite is launched next year and that they are trying to cut down on SuperDish installations until a lot of the installs are done in some of these large markets that are going to be launched. Just as quick as Dish decided to put all the HD channels (in which are not many) onto 105, they could just as quick decide to add all new HD (in which can be many of them) to 105 and/or 121. The SuperDish did not land on its belly. The locals will bring more people onto Dish Network for a while than what HD will.

I still would not feel comfortable putting that kind of money into an HD product when you can get the same product with Dish Network for about half the price (probably even cheaper than that with promotions), and since the company is new and the hardware could become paperweight. Its happened before with satellite and it could happen again. Dish Network may have responded like this with the launch of Voom and decided to take this approach (at least at this time).
Stargazer said:
I think this could be a temporary thing until the new satellite is launched next year and that they are trying to cut down on SuperDish installations until a lot of the installs are done in some of these large markets that are going to be launched. Just as quick as Dish decided to put all the HD channels (in which are not many) onto 105, they could just as quick decide to add all new HD (in which can be many of them) to 105 and/or 121. The SuperDish did not land on its belly. The locals will bring more people onto Dish Network for a while than what HD will.

I still would not feel comfortable putting that kind of money into an HD product when you can get the same product with Dish Network for about half the price (probably even cheaper than that with promotions), and since the company is new and the hardware could become paperweight. Its happened before with satellite and it could happen again. Dish Network may have responded like this with the launch of Voom and decided to take this approach (at least at this time).

For the time being if HD was your thing and waiting for more HD is how E* is going to respond to the HD demand, then you need VOOM. It's a race and E* promise of 50 HD is not here! This is what I do not like about E* - too many promises and no cigar! Everybody is saying that VOOM will fail but again time will tell when it happens. If it happens then there is nothing one can do. For now, (at least until 3/31/04) you can get an assessment of VOOM and their HD offering. If you do not like it, you can get your money back. If you decide later on that it is for you, then buy the product. It may be cheaper later on to buy the product and am sure that VOOM knows that to compete they will have to take down the initial pricing of the hardware. I can see offers coming from VOOM if they are serious about the product.
Well after seeing Dish's move on having all new HD channels being put on 110 and not seeing where they would have room for that, and seeing what all Voom currently has to offer, it seems more of a temptation to get the Voom service. Its just that nobody knows whether or not they will be around a year or so from now.
Considering that I have a dish pointed at 61.5 and an OTA (superior to the Stealth) I just can't see spending over $800 on a non DVR receiver. Utterly ridiculous for little more in the way of HD content than I currently enjoy. Add to that the much higher cost per channel for v* and dearth of SD and I'd be a fool to go to them now. On the other hand, if a disgruntled voomer was to sell me his receiver cheap then I might consider it. Besides, I'm an E* subscriber, waiting and waiting is nothing new for me. What's another couple, errr, few, uhhh, several, ummm, ton of months before I have to decide?
I trhink when a few more HD premium channels show & don;t show on Dish or DirecTV then more folks will jump, particularly if they can get $s back in 4 months & free programming in the interim. I have both so the net cost savings isn't that much to me, but like razors and razor blades, the box is effectively half price considering free programing. Glass half full (of alcohol maybe) or the new math....
Not to cause trouble... but shouldn't your question have been phrased as "Would you consider jumping into the VOOM ship for your HDTV needs?"

As your question stands, anyone not interested in HDTV whatsoever could truthfully answer "NO".
I just installed Voom & I'm impressed by the number of hd channels and their quality, but that is all. None of channels are a must have, except for DiscoveryHD. I hope they add some serious HD like: Espn, Hdnet & movies, Bravo, Hbo, Skinimax, Stars, Tmc, Inhd 1 & 2, plus the west feeds.............or I be gone in a New York minute.
Ok, Starz-HD (East and West) and more to HD channels to come... Are you still in the fence or are you caught somewhere?
Starz HD did it for me. I am scheduled for a install on Dec 16th.
Really looking forward to LOTR weekend.

I noticed the "cable favorites" does not include my favorite SD programming on the cable networks, i.e. CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, FNN, TechTV, NASA TV.

Any word on these?

When HBO HD?

Can one sub to just the HDTV channels and forget the SD "Cable favorites" ?

Will the $99 top package always include everything like the future channels rumored to be added, like Playboy HD and HBO HD etc?

I don't expect anyone to have official answers to the above but it is what's on my mind now. My current decision is to see what is going on in late summer and then consider adding VOOM for the HD content only if possible.

What would be a VOOM bust for me- If they still are running the same 10 old movies after a month.
If the HD programming fails to meet projected targets. If their basic receivers are still high priced by end of next summer.

However, if VOOM keeps all it's projections and the equipment price gets within reason, I could see having both VOOM with a PVR as well as Dish with the 921 and drop all DirecTV by next FALL.

I have a monthly sub budget of $150 and it is currently split between D* and E*, about $75 each with much redundancy in the HDTV channels, SD is all Dish. In early 2004 it will be $110 E* and $40 D* Could a nice basic HD exclusive channel line-up be had with VOOM for $40. If so, then I will be on it when the VOOM pvr is launched. If Not then, I won;t consider it. Essentially, I'm not willing to put everything into the VOOM basket especially now. Not when so much is going well for me with my current plan and the Voom exclusive HD offerings don't excite me. Consequently, I didn't vote yes or no at this time.

I think CNN will be added by 2/1/04 along with HBO-HD and ESPN-HD. The others SD channels will be questionable at this point. HDnet and HDnet movies have been out of the VOOM discussion altogether. So these two channels might not be added. VOOM only have three subscription plans:

(a) 21 Exclusive + SD channels + One Pack for $39.99
(b) 21 Exclusive + SD + any pack (one or more)
(c) All for $99.00

The SD channels are always included.

The $99.99 package that includes everything will not include PPV. Playboy-HD might fall under the PPV umbrella. I think a lot of us are in the same boat and waiting to see how VOOM looks by 2/1/04. Based on this we will make our decisions. I also have E* (Everything Pack + Dish Latino Dos + HD package). I will also need that PVR (921) and this why I will keep E*. I might drop some of the SD programming based on where VOOM is at. I do not see myself dropping Dish Latino Dos or the HD package because of HDnet.

It is quite a dilemma but we will know by 2/1/04 what we will do.
Ok, Starz-HD, TMC-HD, Free Boxing... Are you still stuck on the fence depriving yourself of HD? Is it decision time yet? Are you willing to make the jump to the VOOM ship? The VOOM ship still have room in it. Just get $749.00 and you are in (just kidding). :)

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