How Many Subs does Sky Angel have?

Bill - I don't entirely disagree with where you're going here. I too would like to get SA to recognize that they represented themselves as a Christian organization (which I don't believe can exist, except in the case of a church), and to get them to act in that manner regardless of the consequences. I do believe this is about money though - as the information that SA provided is still out there and available for people to purchase. The only gain to an individual by succeeding in a court setting is the financial aspect - either through 'free' services or monetary reimbursement. I realize the 'satisfaction' that can come from winning a court case, but you've got to realize that you're not going to turn SA around and cause them to really act like Christians.. if they go to court, the best they will do is follow the court's direction (which doesn't change their attitude, thus doesn't give any real satisfaction that we've made a change in their hearts)

One word of caution - Lawyers are lawyers regardless of your relationship with them. They are driven by certain things. A lawyer can see an opportunity and be convinced that its worth persuing. However, that doesn't always mean diddly. I may not be a lawyer, but I've done a fair amount of legal research, representing myself on occasion, providing essential evidence against others in other situations, etc. That doesn't make me a pro, or even an apprentice in the legal arena.. however I have gotten pretty good at seeing some of the clear signs and/or determining factors that will affect a case. In this case, the specific wording of the contract and the original intent of the contract will be key issues that cannot be overcome. The biggest issue though, as I see it, will be the technical issues regarding the distribution network. Unless you/your attorney is willing to invest significant time to learn the technical details inside and out, and invest tens of thousands of dollars in time/money for expert witnesses, SA has the technical resources and the financial resources to dance their way through a discussion and leave both judge and jury "knowing" that they are correct (believe me, I've SEEN this firsthand).
I really hate those agreement changes!
If you decide not to cancel your service after receiving a new Customer Agreement, your continued receipt of Sky Angel from us will constitute acceptance of the changed terms and conditions.
The credit card companies are infamous for sending out a new agreement on a regular basis. I'd like to send out a modified Seller Agreement from time to time. ;) You know those interest rate hikes and fees when you are a day late on your payment? Maybe we can institute a substantial credit to the account whenever there is a billing error or interruption in service. :D

Seriously, though, these agreement amendments amount to indentured servitude/slavery and should have a "grandfather" provision. I don't know how to change this corrupt system so I am working to eliminate all debt. When that is accomplished, I will stop being a customer of companies who feel they can yank their customers around in this fashion. I have already begun to do so in terms of other products and services (cell phone, TV programming, etc).

Maybe some smart elected person will be able to put together strong legislation to protect the consumer from these practices. That would be nice!

6. Prior Agreements

We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of your service. If we make any changes, we will send you a copy of your new Customer Agreement containing its effective date. You may always cancel your service if you do not accept any such terms or conditions. If you do cancel, you may be charged a deactivation fee. If you decide not to cancel your service after receiving a new Customer Agreement, your continued receipt of Sky Angel from us will constitute acceptance of the changed terms and conditions.

I would have to argue that #6, above does NOT pertain to lifetime members. first of all, how many of us have ever received a new, updated "lifetime agreement"? many paid via phone and never received anything at all......... If buy something and its already paid in full the manufacturer can NOT change the terms of warranty after purchase.

it has recently come out regarding other contracts such as cell phone and health care that if the company makes changed MID contract the company has to either honor those terms or let the purchaser out of the contract WTHOUT PENATLY. I wold have to guess the "deactiviation fee" if you cancel due to skyangel making changes would not be enforceable.
lawyers will settle this and its will likely put sky angel out of business, which may be best.

the current management doesnt deserve to ever make a dime in salary considering how they are treating their customers
lawyers will settle this and its will likely put sky angel out of business, which may be best.

the current management doesnt deserve to ever make a dime in salary considering how they are treating their customers

First, I am a Lifetime subscriber to Sky Angel, as you already know. Sky Angel has been a valuable asset in our home for the past ten years and I’m sure many others as well. I will be subscribing to the IPTV service whenever it becomes available, no Lawyer will be required.

Second, what right do you have to say “, which may be the best” if Sky Angel goes out of business? I for one want them to succeed as I’m certain many others do as well.

You won’t see many supporters on this or other forums as it becomes tiring bucking up against the few but persistent “complainers”.

going out on a limb here,but i dont think
bill liked jim and tammy!:)
I dont think we have the same situation with sky angel as we did ptl club.......
but hey...... go for it!

FWIW Bill and Tammy were not popular in our home. My aunt gave me a PTL toy when I was a kid and my Mom had a fit, lol.
Second, what right do you have to say “, which may be the best” if Sky Angel goes out of business? I for one want them to succeed as I’m certain many others do as well.

I also hope SA does not go out of biz, even though we are not following them to IPTV because of the possible interferance with our online connection.
I don't want to see Sky Angel go out of business either but if they don't change the way they treat (or plan to treat) Lifetime subscribers they WILL go out of business. There will be so much bad press that people aren't going to trust them.

MOST Sky Angel lifetime customers have no idea (yet) as to what going to happen to their lifetime subscriptions. Once that word gets out there is going to be hell to pay (for Sky Angel).
I guess a lot will depend on how many lifetime members there really are. I am not sure that skyangel even knows. Also some will go quietly, either to IPTV or elsewhere. Now if there are enough complainers then who knows..........
I guess a lot will depend on how many lifetime members there really are. I am not sure that skyangel even knows.

I'm SURE that they know (down to the EXACT number). They just aren't telling us (nor are they required to since they are not a publically held company).

Back in the Bob Johnson and Pelle (remember him?) days during the Sky Angel "Chats" they quite often talked about all the Lifetime subscribers that they were adding. In the late 90s I remember them mentioning that the number was "over 100,000". I don't know when they stopped selling lifetime subscriptions but my guess that it is between that number and 500,000 (and my high end number could be WAY off, either way).
IF your figures are correct they have way more lifetime than paying members (!00,000 I think it was). Surprising that they haven't been a bit more forthcoming with info to try and get the lifetimers to switch to IPTV
Regardless of how good the switch may sound as far as the technology, the mission and etc., the truth remains that SA seemingly has zero concern for lifetime members. I have yet to be informed by SA that my lifetime subscription is nearing the end!
the !#@#$%^ organization needs to go belly up in the flames of bad publicity, as a great example to others of how not to handle things
Regardless of how good the switch may sound as far as the technology, the mission and etc., the truth remains that SA seemingly has zero concern for lifetime members. I have yet to be informed by SA that my lifetime subscription is nearing the end!


SA has a moral obligation to be forthcoming with their lifetime members, whose money enabled them to get their service started in the first place.
organization needs to go belly up in the flames of bad publicity, as a great example to others of how not to handle things

This is just not going to happen. If SA goes OOB, it will be from lack of funds and customers, not any nationwide or worldwide tide against it. So few people in the US have heard of SA that it is not newsworthy, so there will be no publicity, bad or otherwise. I'm not sure why people keep saying that SA is getting bad press. SA is getting ZERO press, same as always and that's part of the problem of why they are not more prosperous. Go knocking on doors and ask everyone on your block who you don't know personally if they have ever heard of SA. If you find anyone who who has ever even heard of SA that will be highly unusual, unless a local company or church is putting their own dough into advertising SA or you live near their CSS.
Was the lifetime sub price ever less than $199. That's what I paid at the NQC in 1996 before it went on the air in Dec with 6 channels.

MDB in SE La
That was a deal! I think I paid $299, could have been $399. I recall that it was a bit over $700 for equipment, installation, and the lifetime membership.

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